Running Away | Teen Ink

Running Away

December 20, 2018
By Anonymous

I shoved my way through the woods, forcibly hitting the branches and bushes out of my way. I didn’t dare to glance back. It seemed like there wasn’t an end to these woods. I still heard the running footsteps getting closer every minute passing by. How are they getting faster? They must be tired by now. My legs began to feel numb and I couldn’t breathe anymore. Keep going. I slowed down to a jog, trying to catch my breath. The sounds of multiple feet hitting against the ground were now getting nearer. I quickly decided to hide behind a tree and hoped they wouldn’t see me. Not even a second later, I see a slim, tall man sprint past me so fast, I couldn’t capture how he looked. He kept running. Didn’t bother to stop at all. I stood up slowly, peering over the tree trunk. I suddenly noticed a figure running my way. I squinted, trying to get a clearer view. To my horror, I realized the man wasn’t running after me. He was running away from that figure. The figure that doesn’t look to be even close to human.

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