Scene Of Death | Teen Ink

Scene Of Death

January 31, 2017
By Kmg1225 BRONZE, West Springfield, Massachusetts
Kmg1225 BRONZE, West Springfield, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” - Albus Dumbledore

The forest was beautiful this time of year, the birds chirped and called to their partners. The leaves rustled as the nymphs ran past. Leaving a brisk breeze in their wake. I couldn’t see them but i knew they were there watching my every movement. Watching the ground crunch under my feet it felt like every sense was heightened. I could see everything. I could smell every smell of the musty moss that coated the ground assaulting my nostrils with every step. I could hear everything the birds the bugs, and a little girl giggling in the distance. Everything drew me in that direction but I had no clue why my body just moved and continued towards the sound. The smell of rust overpowered the smell of moss as I got closer to a cliff. Looking down it I could see nothing but trees yet my body kept going finding a way down until I reached a small plateau. In the center there was a rust and moss covered bus that had smashed into the largest tree. The entire area was surrounded by trees as if creating a barrier that had remained unbroken for years. A brutal crime scene surrounded by police tape that no one could cross. No one knew what lies on the other side but taper themselves.
It was untouched except for the vines that sealed things in their places. Windows were smashed, and the back evacuation door was hanging open creaking in pain as the wind forced it to move. My feet pulled me closer to the poor door, and I silenced it’s sad songs with my hand holding it still. Looking inside the bus. The seats were still in place, but vines wrapped and twirled across the floor. An oder attacked my nose with harsh lashes, as I looked within on the tomb. My senses were assaulted my eyes not knowing where to look first my body feeling instantly enthralled to learn more. I pulled myself up planting my feet on what felt like an ever shifting floor. My body threatening to vomit at the sight yet at the same time it felt relieved. Every few seats had a decomposing body hanging out of it, as if they were really thrown around on their descent to death. Each had clothes that were a bit too big for them now, but probably fit perfect before.
I moved forwards looking into one of the seats with the corpse. It was small almost childlike with strands of dark brown hair still attached to the rotting flesh a small pink bow sat on the floor. My hand moved without my knowledge touching the seat and in front of my eyes I watched this child's body hit the ceiling 6 or 7 times before the image went black. I shook my head and fear enveloped me. A soothing breeze blew over me telling me to continue. I walked up a few seats seeing another carcass.  It was upside down between the wall floor and seat. This one had on a blue shirt with a basketball on it. A small patch on the backpack that sat next to it said Matthew. My hand reached for the seat once again. My fingers brushed the deteriorating false leather and I saw this boy holding to the seat for dear life before falling on his head a fateful crunch signalling the blackness. Once again I shook it away. Something pushed me forwards I was now getting towards the front of the bus. In the next seat I stopped at was another body. This one had a backpack strap across it’s throat my mind instantly started to wonder why. My hand reaching out my fingertips caressing the seat and I watched it happen so quickly this girl was thrown into the air backpack strap locked around her throat and her neck snapped backwards as her body went still into the darkness. My hand shakily returned to my side. There was only one seat left to check. I moved to it seeing the gruesome scene in front of me. What looked like an older male corpse thrown forwards in front of  the driver's seat a large branch sticking through his body coming out the other side all the leaves before green all the leaves after red. My hand made contact with the seat. I saw everything they were on a fieldtrip to the mountain to study leaves for science the bus driver was on medications for hallucinations, but he didn’t take them that morning. He swerved to avoid a hallucination sending him and the buss full of 10 children down the cliff. I watched each kid getting killed again until I saw the tree coming he buss driver shot forwards as the branch came through the window impaling him. I saw a teacher pull herself up she had blood running down her face and she was able to collect 7 of the children getting them out of the back door.
My body moved following the children who slowly walked through the forest. When my eyes cleared I looked down. I wasn’t at the bus anymore I was a bit farther down the hill in what looked like a mortuary. There were bodies everywhere including 7 children and 1 adult. These were the ones that survived the crash. My heart sunk and I saw all of the children stand up and more came from up the hill along with the bus driver and teacher.
“Thank you” The voice was haunting and each disappeared.
I took a deep breathe before turning and heading back up the hill walking past the bus taking one last look back seeing nothing but the trees knowing behind it there was a scene that no one but me had walk upon.

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