The Woman | Teen Ink

The Woman

December 13, 2016
By Henryhoekss BRONZE, Montgomery, Illinois
Henryhoekss BRONZE, Montgomery, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was gladly strolling home as the old woman with more wrinkles than you can count snatched my wallet from my hands. I feel like she stole all my rights away. With no understanding why she did what she did. Unknowing who she is I look back and stare into her soul holding everything I have to say back. Something inside of me told me not to say anything because the way she acted was like she knew me. She pauses for a second looks back at me and softly whispers, “we will meet again! Just wait and you will receive more information.” and keeps marching until I could no longer see her anymore. Who is she? Why does she act like she knows me? Are we related or something? I realize that i've seen her before but can't put her face with where.  I sit there with a blank stare wondering what happened. The rest of my day goes on normal until I arrive at home. Stepping inside yelling “Hello” but no response. Not a decibel of sound was made. This was super unusual for my house but I didn't spend too much time thinking about it. I glided up the stairs to enter my room. The house felt like it was a empty hole with nothing but air. I entered my room and from the corner of my eye I spot a bright yellow note card on my desk. The words written in red ink.
“Hello Henry. You are probably thinking whats going on. I will explain everything meet me at the alley near the downtown bus stop, alone at 8pm.” Once 7:30 arrives I jump up to get on my way. My brain gears are spinning faster than they ever have as I think about all that could happen. I pull into the alley with lots of questions on my mind like who’s going to be here or what am i about to experience? I hop out of my truck quickly and look around but  see no one in sight. There's  a mediocre sized bus in the corner so I stroll up to it. Then I see my family inside with panicked faces. A woman's shadow appears behind me and sternly states “jump in the bus, NOW.” She pushes the doors open and we hop inside. She sits in the driver seat, starts the bus and begins going on the road. She grabs the PA system to explain everything that has happened to us. My family, in the same situation I am in and had no idea what was going to happen or whom the woman is. She claims to be a private investigator checking into our family because recently there has been reports of people following and hacking into our family credit cards and bank accounts. She explains the plan and their solution is to put us in a relocating program for our safety. So, I think to myself if there is any reason for our family and who would even try capturing us. Something doesn't seem right with the whole situation. Wouldn't our government approach is in a different way? She doesn't know who we are or why we are here but she oddly knows a lot about our family. Seconds pass as the bus fills with a white smoke.  I feel sick and tired; my eyes slowly shut as I see the unknown woman put a bag over mom's head.

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