A Dream | Teen Ink

A Dream

October 14, 2016
By ZainaWalker-Bey BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
ZainaWalker-Bey BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

After another hard working day at art school, Mai decided to take a warm bath and hit the hay. Mai has recently been working on a art project that she is very passionate and dedicated about. Her art teacher, Mr.Feather, stated that whoever has the best art project is guaranteed a chance to have their masterpiece published in a art gallery. This gave Mai even more motivation towards her project. She was planning on going to bed after her refreshing bath, but instead worked on her painting. 


It was now 2:37 a.m. and Mai was slowly drifting to sleep, but kept forcing herself to stay awake. She was about to fill in a leaf with her paintbrush when suddenly, everything turned black. Mai opened her eyes and realized that she must have fallen asleep. As Mai looked around, she notice the place that she is in is not her room. It is a white room with no entrance or exit. Mai suspects that she is dreaming. She walks around the empty room and waits for herself to wake up. Mai then notice another odd detail that is going on in her dream. She observed that she is wearing a white dress with no footwear. Along with that, she also realized a long green string on her dress, near her stomach. She pulled it and developed a sharp pain on her head. She then discovered that the long green string was her hair! She tilted her head to view her hair from a different angle and noticed that she now has light green hair. Thinking to herself how ridiculous her dream is playing out, she silently chuckles to herself. When she looked away from her hair, she realized that she is now in a forest with a river a foot away from her. She looked around at the breathtaking nature and at the calm and stable river stream. A baby squirrel headed towards Mai and gave her a freshly grown white daisy. Mai gracefully accepted the flower and gave the squirrel a acorn in return.Later, she traveled all over the forest and even found a hidden cave. Mai enjoyed the aroma of the fresh air and the beautiful singing of the birds.This dreamworld was so peaceful and amusing to her.


Even though Mai is enjoying this magical world, she wants to wake up so she can finish her art project. She tries for hours to wake up, but she can’t. It seems like she has been in her dream for three days and all she can think about is finishing her work of art. To keep her mind off of the project, she started to throw rocks in a pond. She threw a lot of rocks with her dominant hand, which eventually grew tired. She decided to throw the last rock with her nondominant hand. As the last rock skipped across the pond, Mai notices something. Her nondominant hand was shorter than her dominant hand. Mai frowned, but then smiled. She realized she wasn’t in a dream.

The author's comments:

This story was for my creative writing assigment, since I was assined to write a microfiction. What inspired me to write this story was that I enjoy stories that has a unusaul or strange ending. I hope when people read my story, they will think of many different outcomes that the ending could be.

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