Where's Bob Ross? | Teen Ink

Where's Bob Ross?

May 31, 2016
By Reade BRONZE, Philidelphia, Pennsylvania
Reade BRONZE, Philidelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Well folks, this has been The Joy of Painting with Bob Ross.” Bob was done for the night and off the air. He went to get his coat and head for the door, but his manager stopped him.”Bob,” he said. “Some fan stopped by the studios today while you were recording. ” He reached into his pocket took out a red paintbrush with the name “Bob Ross” engraved on the side in black lettering. Bob took the brush and continued  toward the door.


The next morning Bob was the first to arrive at his studio. He unlocked the doors and entered the empty building. Bob wanted to test out his new brush. He planned on using it for the day's episode. With one stroke of the brush a rumble could be heard. Bob just dismissed it as a California thing. Another stroke of the brush and whoosh! Bob Ross was gone! Falling, falling, falling, and bam! Knocked out.

After a long while, Bob could get up. He cleared his vision to see he was in a forest. An unknown voice said, “Oh! You're awake now.” Bob turned around to see a small tree with a strange smiling face, staring down at him. He fell back.”Do...do you talk?” said Bob.”Yes. We all do. You created us,” explained the tree.”We are your happy little trees. I do have to say Mr. Ross, you are pretty Rossome in person.” Bob sighed and sat down.”Is this my life now?”

Back in the real world Bob was pronounced dead when nobody could find him and life went on. A funeral was held for him and as time passed he faded into obscurity. He popped up many years later because of the internet, but once again fades into obscurity. He never made it out of the painting. It’s somewhere in a cold dark warehouse, covered by a cloth, never to be found still with Bob Ross inside.

Will we find him? Probably not. Does it really matter though? He is off in his own land living a graceful and fun filled life with the trees. He is truly living with nature. He is painting off in that land. He is painting the best works he has ever done, but we will never know it. We will never see the inspirations. We will never learn how to paint such beautiful and happy things ever again. No more happy little trees for us. Only for Bob Ross himself now. If there was a way to find him, we would have done it. No, we decided to remember what we could. We honor him with Twitch streams of his old TV show. We honor him the only way we know how. With his great works. Forever. For us to never ever find him in that one painting, the painting in a warehouse, the warehouse lost forever. Just like the painting is. Gone. Goodbye Bob Ross. I still miss you.
Goodbye! This has been writing with Reade!

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bluebox said...
on May. 25 2018 at 6:57 am
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
I came here for a nice time not to cry