Death Cove | Teen Ink

Death Cove

May 11, 2016
By hafenisa000 BRONZE, Highland, Utah
hafenisa000 BRONZE, Highland, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“I knew I wanted to come here, but why would they do this to us?!?!”  I thought to myself as I ran.
I felt like I was going to pass out. My my legs felt like jell-o. I looked over to see Skyler getting clawed down by a Cove. Cove’s are animal creatures that kind of look like Werewolfs. They’re chasing after us.
Death Cove is a camp kind of thing, they put you through all of these trials. In each trial, one of the people are given a magic power to help the situation. This time I was given the power, it was the  “Runner” power. It’s basically a power that makes you run faster. In this trial if you don’t run fast enough the “Coves” will claw you down, and that’s the last time we’ll see you.
I’m not exactly sure why I chose to come here because I mean you can die, EASILY. I’ve always been one for the adventure though. Lets just say from my past I’m lucky to be alive.
As we come closer to the last obstacle it’s now time to decide if I want to use the potion or not. I look over at Melanie and she’s about to be clawed down, I look behind me to see a Cove but far behind. Melanie is yelling to me asking if she can please have the potion instead  and she’ll give hers on her trial. I decide to give it to her and she is safe out of distance. But then her Cove turns on me. I have no way out. I push myself to what I think is the limit.
“All I have to do now is jump” I think to myself as I get to the last obstacle.
It’s a cliff, 100 feet deep and 7 feet wide. I jump, as I fly through the air I land smack on the hard surface on the other side. I lay there thinking I’ll never be able to stand or even breath again. Melanie comes running over to me, she helps me up and gives me a hug.
“Thank you so much!” She says to me.
“It was nothing” I say back to her.
“I only about died” Thinking to myself as I say it.
“You almost died for me and I couldn’t be more thankful”
“Haha don’t worry” I chuckle to her.
Melanie is usually the one to be super mean and snotty to others but I guess she isn’t as mad this time.
“But don’t expect anything in return” she said in her mean snotty voice.
“There’s the Melanie I know” I think to myself as she walks away.
I walk back to our bunk and get ready for bed.

*Chapter 5*
The next day we got up and got ready to hear our next trial. We got to the “Den” the meeting room, our leaders were standing in front of the room watching us file in. I found my spot and looked  around. There wasn’t as many of us this time.
“As you know the trials are getting harder as we go, saying that, our next trial is called “Cliff”. What you will be doing is starting at the tally, once the tally disappears that means start. I’m giving you all a shape, you can use it once and that’s all. You will immediately start running and try to beat everyone to the cliff. The cliff is the tallest one in Sakeiotoe.. You must fight each other to see who can grab a chine. There's only 172 of them and 183 of you. The ones who don’t get a chine well be eaten by the Coves. Melanie you get the potion this week. It’s called “Savior”, if you're in a bad situation use it to save you. Good luck to all, and try not to fall off the cliff!” Mr. Sirp our toughest leader says.
We go our shapes and then were off. I didn’t know what I was going to use my sape for but I needed to be wise. We got to the tally and started our stretching. I was so scared but knew I was one of the faster runners here. We started and our mark and then it disappeared. I looked over at Melanie as she stole my sape. I immediately stopped and started yelling at her to give me it back. She looked at me and smirked. Realizing I was behind I started running after and was not going to let her win. I past her quickly and got to the cliff. There was a few people in front of me, and Melanie was close behind. I made it to the cliff and started walking across the tiny little latter holding the chines.
It all happened in a blink of an eye. I was pushed and was holding as tight as I could to the ladder. Melanie ran up and saw me hanging. I was yelling at her and asking her to please let me use her postion. She stared at me not knowing what to do.
“Will she help me or not?”  I kept asking myself.

End of Chapter 4

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