Secrets in the Dark | Teen Ink

Secrets in the Dark

May 6, 2016
By Mori-Is-My-Bae BRONZE, Orient, Ohio
Mori-Is-My-Bae BRONZE, Orient, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Lili wasn’t expecting what she found. Of course, no one would. Who would expect to find a picture so gruesome? She had to get out of the house as soon as she could, but would the uncovered secret let her? She didn’t know, but she had to try.

---------------- Earlier that Day -----------------

Lili pulled into the driveway of Alfred and Elizaveta Jones. She was right on time for her babysitting job. Of course, she was always on time. Lili was a bright, spunky 22 year old. She currently had the job of babysitting the Jones’s boy, Ivan. She hopped out of her car, and went up to the door. Knocking relatively quietly she waited for an answer. It was Ivan’s naptime, so she didn’t have to wait that long for one of them to open the door.
Alfred opened the door and smiled brightly. “Hey chicky. How are you doing today?” he asked, ruffling her hair lightly. She smiled brightly. “Good Mr. Jones. How about you?” He smiled. “I’m good. Hey, want some lunch? Elizaveta just made some grilled cheese.” She smiled and nodded. Alfred chuckled and invited her in. She went in and found Mrs. Jones at the kitchen table, waiting for her and Alfred. “Hi Mrs. Jones!” Lili said cheerfully. Elizaveta smiled at her. “Hello Lili. Grilled cheese?” “Yes please!” They both giggled and sat down at the table. As they ate they talked about their plans and they gave their instructions to Lili about how to take care of Ivan for the day.

--- A little Later ---

“Alright, we're headed out. Take care of Ivan!” “I will Mr. Jones!” Lili said as the couple walked out and left her alone in the old home with their son. Knowing Ivan would wake up soon, Lili began to clean up a bit and prepare for the young boy.
She began to hear his cry from down the hall and she knew he was up. “I'm coming buddy, hold on.” She yelled down the hall as she made her way down the long, dark hall. As she walked down the hall, the child's voice changed a bit, and began to hold a darker undertone to it. As she turned the corner, she found that the attic door was open. Curiously, she crept up the old wooden stairs that creaked under the slightest pressure. As she reached the top, she found a whole house worth's of victorian style furniture and paintings.
She couldn’t figure out where all of this stuff came from. Why had they hidden all of this from her? Walking around the attic, she carefully sorted through some of the things that just layed on top of the piles. While she was sorting through stuff, she accidentally knocked a box on the floor. She cringed at the sound of glass shattering. Bending down she pushed the remnants back in the box, until she found an old photograph. Carefully, she picked it up from the floor and held it up. Not being able to really see the photo, she pulled out her phone and turned on the flashlight.
Shining the light on the photo she saw the Jones family, in victorian dress, well, what SHOULD of been the Jones family. All that was photographed was standing, empty clothing, and shining blood red eyes. Around them were children. She could see them, but she wished she couldn’t. These children looked beaten and malnourished. Their frail bodies were pale and almost lifeless. Blood dripped from their neck and arms, as they stared with pleading eyes into the camera. But among the children, was a set of nice victorian clothes, standing as if the wearer were happy to be with their family. And just like the other two bodiless entities, a little above it was a pair of piercing red eyes. But these eyes have purple swimming in the center. Just like Ivan.
Holding back a scream, Lili dropped the photo to the ground and backed up slowly. She knocked over a large stack of boxes and furniture, to reveal a portrait of the Jones family, smiling. ‘Fangs. They have fangs. They’re vampires.’ Lili thought furiously to herself. She had to leave. She had to get out and never come back. Running down the stairs, she tripped and tumbled down. Feeling every step hit her was like a punch every time. As she tumbled to the bottom she was staring at the black shoes of her boss. Shaking, she looked up and met the eyes of Alfred. “M-Mr. Jones!” She squeaked.
He looked down at her. “Lili. There you are!” He said. She shakily stood up and began inching her way to the door. “Yep…. H-h-here i am… Now i-i think i should go.” She said. As she was backing out, she bumped into someone behind her. “Oh dear, leaving so soon?” A silken voice said behind her. ‘Elizaveta’ She began to fight back tears. Elizaveta grabbed Lili by her arms and held her tightly, nails biting into her skin, as Alfred began to walk towards her, transforming as he went. His eyes began to glow and they turned crimson. His nails grew and he hissed as his fangs began to form. “I don’t think so” he growled.
Lili never came home.

The author's comments:

I love fantasy and horror and after reading a vampire horror novel, I came up with this.

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