An Unknown Place | Teen Ink

An Unknown Place

April 14, 2016
By LydiaMedina BRONZE, Manitowoc, Wisconsin
LydiaMedina BRONZE, Manitowoc, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My head hurt, and I couldn't feel my body. My eyes slowly started opening. It was bright and blurry at first.  My eyes finally completely opened and I looked at a white ceiling. I sat up slowly and suddenly started to regain feeling in my body. I looked around and was confused. I was sitting in a small room with all white walls. I didn't even see a door. Then my eyes wandered through the room some more, and I saw a small window with a curtain over it. I stood up and took notice of what I was wearing. I was wearing a white jumpsuit and realised I had a burlap sack on my back. It was my backpack!The only thing of mine I had. I looked in my backpack and saw it was empty. I was so confused and scared. I don't know how I had got here. The last thing I remember was sitting on the couch with my family eating popcorn and watching TV. I set my burlap sack down and slowly moved towards the window. I was afraid to open it but knew it was the only way I may find answers. I was stood right in front of the window. I moved my hand to touch the curtain, and as soon as I did a beeping noise went off. I quickly opened the curtain in a panicking manner. I was staring at a black emptiness. There was nothing in sight just darkness. I looked down when looking on the window. I was scared and quickly pulled the curtain in place and grabbed my burlap sack......

The author's comments:

This piece is a story starter. It is designed to make the reader think and question what will happen next. What do you think?

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