supplements | Teen Ink


March 20, 2016
By Anonymous

There was once an old man. He hobbled and wobbled everywhere he went. His name was Jimmy but his friends called him sir. Everyone looked up to him as if he was the only good guy left in this dried up hole of a town. Jimmy was one of the most wealthiest males in this entire town. A simple rusty old penny to him was equivalent to the regular folks ten dollars. He was a man who only wanted one thing in this world. The one thing everyone craved, but could never really be earned in just one lifetime.

One spring day as the wind was at ease Jimmy decided to take a walk. Dogs were running about and the smell of pine was in the air. Jimmy could hardly think to himself; all he heard was non stop barking from every corner of this once beautiful park. Then he realized something. He’d never really have what he always dreamed of. These things happen for a reason; he thought to himself.
It started when Jimmy first moved to town. Over fifty years ago…
The man had seen better days that was for sure. His nose was bent, his eyes bore old bruises and he had forgotten to smile. Jimmy wasn’t always this unlucky, he came from a great family and learned to accomplish great things. Until one day when he walked on the wrong side of town and stumbled upon something. Two men punching and kicking each other in the late evening. As jimmy rushed to break up the altercation he realized these men were being egged on by a group of men just like himself. The alley was darker that night as Jimmy turned away from the violence he had just come across. Men were getting payed to fight people they had never even met before. In one night of fighting you could earn about double what Jimmy was making each week. Jimmy had never been one in favor of violence. Growing up in a quaker house you learn to not start war but to show love instead. Jimmy was about to learn not everything you grow up knowing is always the right thing.
Life was different back then, technology advancements were just starting to take place in any normal household. Donna Summers records filled the air with an eerie change in taste of music.
One  July morning Jimmy was playing at the old basketball courts that were only about eleven blocks away from where he rested his head each night. His mother told him to make some friends, before the first day of school would be here, would be in Jimmy’s best interest. So Every day Jimmy would walk to the old courts. One day Jimmy finally saw someone shooting at the old rusty basketball hoop. He struck up a conversation once he was close enough to see that it actually was a kid like him and not just something he imagined in his mind. “Hey bro you want to practice with m…” Jimmy paused. It was a girl who had turned around. She was one of the most beautiful girls Jimmy had ever saw. Her olive skin was glowing radiance. She looked at me and grinned at me with this look of acceptance on her face. “I’m glad you asked, I’d love to.” She replied. She spoke with a southern tone in her voice. We begun playing horse and she had one of the best follow throughs anyone had ever seen. Jimmy worked up a sweat on the court and finally shot some threes. When it was finally Sarah’s turn she exceeded all expectations. Jimmy knew right then and there he had to introduce this girl to his older brother Dwane. Dwane was playing college basketball at Duke and was one of the starting guards. On Jimmy and Sarah’s walk home they stumbled upon a needle outside of Jimmy’s house. Neither knew what it was then, but it would effect them forever.
As Dwane met this new friend of his kid brothers they decided it was time to go to the nice courts. They played three v.s three with some of Dwane’s older friends. Dwane suddenly had to leave. He claimed he had to go and blamed it on his headache from being surrounded by the constant odor of musk. Hours passed and Jimmy and Sarah decided to walk back to Jimmy’s house to see what was wrong with Dwane. The needles they had spotted only a couple of hours earlier were nonexistent now. They both looked at each other in wonder. Sarah saw a big wad of chewed up big red where the needles once were. That’s when Jimmy knew Dwane was up to no good. Dwane loved big red and only chewed it in wads; the smell calmed his migraines. Jimmy confronted his big brother later that night. Dwane swore he would lay off the drugs after he got accepted into Duke. These were no drugs he was fueling into his system though. Dwane heard a couple of the guys in practice camp talking about injecting crush soda into your system would give you energy to run faster. Dwane sadly believed them and tried it out. Jimmy timed him and Dwane ran faster than ever! They decided to double up the dose. It improved Dwane’s time even more! They thought it was to crazy to be true. Sarah decided that they should just jump up to ten times a bigger dose. So that’s exactly what happened. It worked. Dwane was faster than ever and it lasted for weeks. He could jump higher too. This soda method changed him, he became a super type of person. Everything about Dwane was better than ever. He was Dwane 2.0.
Three years later Dwane went into professional basketball and was put on the Celtics team. He made a fortune and after five years the performance booster caught up to him. He died leaving nothing behind other than his fortune. All of his money was immediately given to his kid brother who no one had heard from since that one July day.

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