The Adventures of A Modern Day Zombie | Teen Ink

The Adventures of A Modern Day Zombie

March 19, 2016
By jadeconley1234 BRONZE, Niagara Falls, New York
jadeconley1234 BRONZE, Niagara Falls, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live your life the way you want

Flint wyatt-june 7th 2006

In video games, movies, TV shows, you hear about zombies all the time. Their supposed to be heartless cannibalistic beings that can be killed with a swift puncture of the brain. Truthfully they can honestly be really boring. I would know I'm surrounded by them constantly everyday. All they do is shuffle around pointlessly and make odd growling and grunting noises. Some just stand and stare into oblivion like there is something interesting going on in there. Some go hunting for animals and some find humans to snack on. Oh yeah by the way I'm a zombie but I don't eat humans. I prefer animals, it's more humane still nasty but it's not as bad as eating your own kind. I live in a motel most of us live here. We have people all over town at the airport, gas stations, hospitals, schools and some are even homeless. We have no reason but occasionally we try to communicate with one another, let's say we sound like angry wolves grunting and growing at one another. With slow and steady movements we get from one place to another. Not very often but sometimes we will hear gunshots and be nosy and follow the sound. I remember one time I was searching a veterinarian hospital and down the hallway I heard shotsand decided to instead of being nosy to hide inside a closet. As it turns out that was a smart idea because I was the only one to walk out of there alive that dismal day. Right now I'm in my room grunting as I struggle to write This but one day soon they will find a cure and I will become human again, fully functional and alive.

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