The Cure that Created | Teen Ink

The Cure that Created

March 24, 2016
By j.wilson BRONZE, Springville, Utah
j.wilson BRONZE, Springville, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

July 17,  2089
Well I’ll tell you this today, I think I may actually be onto something. I can’t be exactly 100% correct, but you never can be that positive anyways. Finally, after all my trying of different things, scorpion venom seems to be an oddly fitting match. My research has shown that the toxins in the venom could actually kill the cancer cells in a human body. Clearing every last one until the body is pure and clean. But that’s my problem, the venom isn’t a trained dog that knows commands, it’s more like a wolf that’ll take whatever it wants, whenever it wants. But who knows what the venom will actually do? I’ve asked corporate for a test subject but they’ve denied me relentless times because they say it’s too early in the stage to do such a thing. Don’t they see? Don’t they understand what I have right now?  I’m so close of breaking through something that could save the world. And I don’t have anytime to waste...because I’m afraid that by the time corporate actually has their heads screwed on fully, it’ll be too late...I’ll be gone. You see I’ve been fighting cancer for the last year and I know my body has almost reached it’s limits. But corporate doesn’t know that of course, because I would have lost my job. They can’t be having an “ill” scientist here. And I know no other boneheaded scientist could come and replace me because they’d screw everything up! So that’s why I’ve taken matters into my own hands, I Jacob Reign have decided I will be the first test subject for the cure.
Setting the journal down, I look up into the poor man’s eyes behind the glass. I walk up next to him and stare directly at him. He stares back at me motionless and suddenly jerks and begins banging his hands on the glass.
“Your cure didn’t work, Jacob,” I say straight faced. I walk back to my stool and sit down, “I do applaud you for your bravery though, that’s something most people wouldn’t have even considered.”
Jacob’s face becomes bright red and he starts pleading gibberish as if I understood him. His eyes are jet black and he has scratch marks all over his body. I cross my legs and stare at him deeply trying to comprehend what he must be thinking right now, or if he even can at all.
“So Jacob, let me get this straight. You decided that your life was worth the risk? Worth the satisfaction of knowing that you were wrong? Knowing that your cure didn’t succeed of how you wished it would have? Amazing.” I finish face to face with him. Suddenly, I see my eyes meeting the floor and the blood comes rushing to my head.
I wake up to the sound of glass crushing beneath someone's feet. I sputter and gasp for air as if I’ve been held under water. I see a figure standing in front of me but I can’t make it out because my sight has become very unfocused and blurred. I’m unable to fully comprehend what’s going on around me, and I begin to feel this warm burning sensation all over my body. I try to stand up but as I do, I feel a sudden sharp pain in my right hand. Immediately I pull it to my chest and look at it. It has a large piece of glass sticking out of it, with blood dripping down my hand and arm. I squeeze my wrist as the pain increases and stare at the 3 inch wide piece of glass sticking out of my hand. I quickly look away as I feel my stomach acid reach my throat.
The figure seems to grab a couple of bottles from the counter and shoves them into a bag that's hung around their shoulder. It suddenly walks towards me and pulls me up by the arm with incredible strength. I scream in pain, and shock that they may have ripped my arm out of its socket. Now face to face with the person I can make out it’s a male...then it hits me, that’s Jacob Reign. He’s gotten out of this concealed box and is going to escape. I look around for help and catch a glimpse of myself in the metal eyes are...are jet black.
My mind races with thoughts as I try to get away but my body is uncooperative right now, and Jacobs grasp is cutting off my circulation in my hand. I look at him blurred and ask mercy with my eyes. But it’s no use, the venom is in control and it has no sympathy for anyone or anything. Jacob raises his hand in the air and closes them to a fist. My heart's pounding seems to be on speaker and it’s burning my ears. My eyes quiver with tears streaming down my face and my mind is screaming with agony. His hand comes speeding down and hits me upside the head, and that’s the last thing I remember.

Things are different now. Well actually I can’t say things are different now because I have no memory of what  it use to be, but I have this feeling that it is. My name is Samuel Ran and I live in the Green Zone. I’m a worker, just like the other thousands here that are also workers. So I guess you could say I’m not unique in anyway possible. Life here is pretty simple. You get up and work every day besides Sunday, that’s our rest day. The Zen is the controller of us, it’s who we work for. They are the distributors here, the ones that give us our daily pay. Which isn’t all that great seeing it’s just a little bottle of venom. People get so addicted to it but I don’t understand why they would. I mean they’re trying to brainwash us with this stuff. So I’m not too interested in getting a raise or anything so I usually just do the minimum amount of work. 
Oh, and friends? I don’t have them. That’s just not my style really, plus I’m a nobody. And no one knows a nobody, so I stay unnoticed most of the time. 

The bell rings, bursting into my ear and I quickly grab my pillow to yank over my ears before the stampede begins. I sit there waiting in muffled shouts, talking, and footsteps. I feel a sharp whip on my back and I yell in pain.
“Zu gon zech tu givna!” a voice growls behind me.
I roll over and stand up straight face to face with an Enforcer. He stares at me with a disgusted look and his eyes seem to be punching me. Without warning he shoves my uniform into my arms, sending me flying into the bed behind mine. I hit the metal hard with my back and I moan in pain. I slowly get up and rub my back walking towards the changing room. Opening the door I hit someone standing behind it.
“Hey watch it!”
“Oh sorry, I didn’t see you. My bad.” I apologize not making eye contact. I stand behind the last person and wait for a room to open. Last but not least, I go to the open door pull over my suit, and drop my old clothes down the shoot. I tie my boots on tightly and then follow the line to the boarding area.
One by one we jump onto the Zeepalone, and stand on our numbers quickly. The Enforcer walks along checking row after row for a missing number. He stops and looks directly to his right.
“1198.” he declares loudly. Then without a moment of hesitation he jumps to the front of the Palone and hits the red button with his hand closing the door behind him. I took notice of the scorpion skin that formed across his knuckles, I shiver at the thought of it and rub my own hands together to feel my somewhat normal skin, besides the large scar on the inside of my right hand.
We take off and together as a group we begin to sway back and forth. The lights go out with only a few small lights on the side of the walls that flicker with yellow light. I hear muffled talking coming from the control room and try to understand what they’re saying but it’s almost impossible to even make out one word.
The back opens and light oozes throughout the Palone. The line then begins to move forward and we’re slowly broken into groups. I follow the pattern of everyone else when I feel a tight grip on my uniform that yanks me back. I fall to the ground on my back and look up to be blinded by the sun. Putting my hand over my face I see an Enforcer towering over me. I gulp in fear and look around to see another figure standing next to him, but I can’t tell who it is because of the sunlight projecting into my eyes. My muscles tense up and my heart begins to race.
“I’ve got a special job for you.” he smirks. He grabs the front of my uniform and pulls me to my feet. I now see a girl standing behind the him, she’s short with long brown hair that seems to be holding onto a thousand mysteries.
The Enforcer pushes both of us from behind and orders for us to walk. I look over at the girl and she doesn’t seem one bit worried. Each step that she takes seems to be filled with more and more confidence. As we walk farther along I notice from afar a couple of figures. The figures become more clear and my heart drops. They’re wearing nice black coats with black pants and shiny black shoes, meaning they’re from the Zen.
I look back over to the girl and she seems as if she’s a kid walking to go get an ice cream cone or something. The Enforcer behind us chuckles and then mumbles something to himself. The men turn towards us, now staring at every inch of me.
“I wrangled these two up for you, sir.” the Enforcer says proudly. A man steps forward from the three and puts out his hand. The girl shakes it without hesitation and then I follow after her. I shake his hand looking at him, something seems to hit me in the gut when I look into the man but I can’t seem to understand why.
“Welcome. My name is Jacob, I’m the president of the Zen that you two work ‘for’,” he says professionally. “I hear that you two could help me with something. Follow me.”
I immediately start thinking this is the end, my life is over. They’re taking me to the Wharp so I can live the rest of my days alone. Not that I wasn’t already alone, but living in the Wharp would be actually mean I would be alone.
Finally, we reach a small building and one of the Guards opens the door as Jacob walks in with the other Guard behind him. He stops and turns towards us with a serious face. We gather around and wait patiently for him to begin his thoughts. I look around to see nothing in the neat, clean room that seems to be hiding something.
Jacob clears his throat and begins,
“I’m excited to announce that we, Zen would like to start a new employment. This would be completely different than any other that we currently have here, and we would like to start it out with you two.”
“Why me? Or er I mean why us?” I say looking at the girl and then back at him.
“I was hoping you’d ask that. Recently, we’ve put a watch out list for this very experiment and you two have had to best…and highest matches to what we are looking for,” he says, “No time to waste now, if you two could just follow me.”
He leads us to a shut door and then pulls a card out of his pocket scanning it across a blue laser. It clicks then the door slides open. He gestures with his hand for us to enter but I don’t move an inch. The girl on the other hand, walks right in not looking back.
“Any day now Mr. Ran.” Jacob says impatiently. I suddenly feel a push from behind and I fall onto my face hearing the door close behind me. I pull myself up from embarrassment and look around the room. There’s absolutely nothing besides the whitest walls you’d ever see.
“What’s your name?” I ask awkwardly.
“Adeline,” she responds walking the opposite direction, “Yours?”
“Samuel, but you can call me Sam,” I say following, “So do you know what we’re supposed to be doing here? I mean I think they made a mistake choosing me but…”
“Quiet.” she interrupts. She walks to one side of the wall and looks at it as if there’s a painting to look at. Then abruptly she kicks one spot on the wall and alarms begin to go off. She smiles and looks around for an applause.
“What are you doing? Are you crazy?” I say looking around at the flashing red lights. My heart begins to race and I start to panic. I look back over at Adeline and she’s pressing her fingers against the wall. I look at her like she’s a complete idiot for just standing there for a time of crisis like this. Suddenly, part of the wall slides off and hits the ground revealing miles and miles of trees. She turns and looks at me,
“Go. Go now.”
“What no,” I say then correcting myself to make sure I don’t seem like a total wimp, “You’re coming will me...right?”
“I can’t. You must go now before they come. Go Samuel! Get out of here.” she says grabbing me by the collar of my suit and pushes through the hole of the wall. I fall onto grass and turn quickly to grab her but it’s too late. She's already put the piece of wall back into place. I bang on it desperately unsure of where to go next.
I turn around looking into the endless of the trees and run.

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