The Trip Home | Teen Ink

The Trip Home

March 11, 2016
By qbert75 BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
qbert75 BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

  “The wind’s always colder when we’re up here.” Red said, as his coat blew slightly in the wind.
  “Ya. it has been a while since we have last been here.” Blue said.
  “Too long. But I guess we can only cheat death so many times before he finally takes us in full.” They sat atop a random tall buildings roof in the bustling city of New York, they sat in silence for awhile, watching over the city they called home for sixteen years. Although they never had a home in this city, they believed it to be there only home.
  “Why now, of all times, does he wait so long?” Red asked.
  “Because he knows we have nowhere left for us, and that this time we will not run or hide or cheat or steal or deal. We are here to face the piper and that is what we will do. No matter the wait, or the agony.”
  “And that takes the hurry from his step?
  “Would you hurry to take something, that you know will sit and wait for you to take it?”
  “I guess you have a point.” The boys lapsed into silence as they waited. The high noon sun slowly fell along the sky, hours passed. “Will he ever show himself to us?”
  “I take it he doesn't want our offer. So I shall go on living, lest waste my time sitting atop this roof with nothing to do but wait.” Blue rose, and turned his face from the edge. Only to finally see the man they were waiting for, he sat cross legged and watched the two. He wore a long black robe and had a large scythe leaning against him. “Red, I believe he does want our offer.”
  The two boys stood side by side, and as one they looked upon the black robed man. “Deaths courier.” They spoke as one. “We have fought, hide, ran, and cheated our way out of your grasp for sixteen long years. We are ready to accept our fate.”

  The man, deaths courier, stood. He slashed the air, rending a hole in the empty space. “Red, Blue. It has been an honor to chase you. Now our game is done, and it is time for you to go.”

  The boys approached the portal without the slightest hint of fear or regret. Blue spoke as he reached the precipice. “For one last time we say goodbye to you. but this is not the end just yet.” He stepped through and disappeared into the blackness.
  Now Red stepped up to the entrance. “We must leave this place, but you still will walk free. Take care that you don't lose yourself like we have.” Red nodded, he earned a nod in return from the reaper, then stepped through.
  The experience was not foreign to the boys but it was never pleasant. An intense pressure, than a feeling of being stabbed by thousands of needles. Followed by an intense anger with no direction.  Than the blackness, that was the color of the walls of the void that they traveled through, gave way to a sort of cherry red room, with a door opposite them and another swirling portal behind them. When Red's eyes cleared he noticed Blue standing next to him. “Well, we made it this far, time to take it the rest of the way.”
  “I agree. The sixteen year hiatus has taught us much. One thing is being to do what needed to be done.” Blue said with confidence. They both crossed the room to the door. Each of them pulled in a deep breath, before Blue yanked the door open fully in one pull.
  A man, yet not a man evident from the red horns sprouting from his temples and the red tail snaking around from behind him, wearing a black business suit and a holding a red trident in one hand stood before the now open door. “Hello my sons, welcome home.”

The author's comments:

I don't know what inspired me to write this, but I just a cool thought about what would happen if demons ran from hell, this is just what came from it.

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