Oh Russia | Teen Ink

Oh Russia

March 11, 2016
By 988994 BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
988994 BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

People make it too easy, too easy to act like one of them, too easy to fool them. People enjoy looking at others masks, paint a kind smile on your face and they’ll never look any closer. It’s strange to sit among normal people, typing on my laptop like a normal college student I can almost believe that I am normal. I believe it until I glance up and all the actual college students are writing term papers, while I’m just here in the corner finishing hacking into the Russian Police server, no biggy.
It took a good five minutes to get in completely undetected. Not to brag, but getting in was easy I did that in under thirty seconds. The trick is completely erasing my presents in their database. That’s what took me four minutes. It’s still technically a record if you consider the free slow Wi-Fi of the little coffee shop and the fact a person actually has the job of trying to track hacks. But the newbie got caught on one of their own firewalls. Amateur. Now, I’m home free to use the Russian crime database in whatever way I need.
Now Daewon Primack. My target, my job. In Russian his name means gracious god and he thinks himself as exactly that, at least the god part. According to this database Primack has been arrested four times on assault, six on suspected murder charges and even one rape charge. Not very merciful for a gracious god if you ask me.
To the police, Primack is untouchable. Every time it looks like they have him, witness’ show up dead, evidence goes missing or gets corrupted. Either way the story ends the same with Primack walking. Free to run the Russian mafia until he’s dead or retired. The former being more likely.
This man’s guilt runs deep, no doubt about it. I always make sure of my target’s guilt. Sometimes I can lack morals. Well it’s not so much that I lack morals, mine are just totally different from everyone else’s, but I do know the difference between a necessary evil and murder. Taking a deep breath and reminding myself of all these things, I can finally start my plotting.
I spend hours in the café going over Daewon’s schedule for today and his guards’. My best chance is going to be while he’s in his hotel room getting ready for bed and for his speech tomorrow, which he won’t be making.
By the time I pull myself out of my own head, the sky has grown dark and the city lights up the night. I look at the time on my computer, only four hours to get the job done. Four hours before my ride lands, I have to get a move on. Gathering my laptop and the schedules I shove them into my laptop bag ready to go. Abruptly I shoot out of my seat as a barista spills coffee down the front my black V-neck.
“I’m so sorry miss,” the frantic barista apologizes in Russian as he grabs some napkins to help clean up the mess. “I was just trying to bring you a fresh cup of coffee for you since I noticed your cup had gone cold.” I glance at the cup of coffee that I took all of three sips of before getting to work.
Without thinking he starts to reach for the front of my shirt to clean and that’s where I draw the line. I step back and take a firm hold of his out stretched arms. His hands shake with nerves, that’s why he spilled the coffee. I look up at him while loosening my grip and taking his hands in mine, “Its fine, really it’s okay. Thank you for the attempted coffee.” That got a chuckle out of the guy at least. His dark eyes seems to light up a bit at my light hearted joke. He had about an inch or two on me in height and his dirty blond hair was a rare mix. Dark eyes, blond hair cute, and he’s strong like every other Russian guy, but dorky and nervous he definitely lacks Russian confidence. With a smile, I turn around to pick my bag thinking that would be the end of the encounter, but that’s when he starts talking again.
“I’m Achim.” A small sigh escapes my lips barely loud enough for me to hear, but I did hear my ever changing roll.  Why is it when I need to leave, someone always wants to have small talk with me? I plaster a smile on my face as I sling my bag over my shoulder and turn around.
“Nadia.”  I state as I hold out my hand. It’s my favorite Russian name so it won’t be hard to remember. He takes my hand in his carefully like he might break it. Sweet, but I don’t break easily and I grip his hand to let him know it.
“It’s nice to meet you Nadia,” he speaks the name slowly and carefully as if committing it to heart. If this guy keeps flirting I’ll have to find a new café to hang out in the next time I’m in the city. “Can I get you a cup of coffee?” F*** I think, “I promise not to spill it on you this time” his joke is appreciated, but coffee will lead to talking and talking will lead to wasted time and wasted time leads to a rushed job and a rushed job leads to mistakes. It’s a domino effect, coffee is a no go.
“I would love to,”   at this his eyes lit up again, “but I have dinner with my father and I’m already late for it.” I don’t want to crush the guy, but the way he casts his eyes down says I’m doing just that. My guess is I’m not the first girl to turn him down. “I’m sorry perhaps another time when I’m in here.” False hope, but at least I won’t be breaking his dreams or what little confidence he has.
“I’m here every day 12- 7.”
“12-7, got it. I’ll see you around.” I say as I make a beeline for the door. Five minutes wasted. I’ll have to put it on my list to look for a new coffee shop since I can’t come back here.
As I make my way through the city my mind starts to narrow with only the thoughts needed to stay on task. Everything fades away time flashes in my mind, how long it’ll take me to get to the hotel, how long it’ll take to complete the job, how long it’ll take to get to the plane. Calculating it all out, I should have about an hour and a half after adjusting the time for any unexpected problems.
When my mind zones back in the view is spectacular. Dazzling lights coat the city in a skyline view. Taking in my surroundings bright spot lights blare up towards me. The lights highlight the vibrant colors of the rounded roof. Saint Basil’s Cathedral. Somehow I always end up in high up places. It’s very freeing. The wind swirls around you and makes you want to dance in endless circle. It makes you want to fly. The feeling of power pumps in my veins, so much that I never want to come down. Up here nothing can touch me. Nothing can hurt me.
Moscow can be a beautiful city. It’s almost as beautiful as Paris. Athens, Greece, though has by far been the most gorgeous.  I don’t often remember the jobs I’m given but, I never forget the cities, the feelings they give me. I remember sitting on top of the Parthenon looking out over the Mediterranean Sea. There were fishing boats out on the water, with their lights it was almost like looking at the night sky. Every city has one thing in common, tourist. They wonder around in circles taking pictures and kissing and enjoying their time in the city. I wish I could do the same, but my time is almost up and I still have things to do. 
Ten minutes of slinging down allies and jumping across rooftops I stand on a Capital House balcony. Top floor, security cameras in every hall and elevator. The balcony is the only entrance not covered, but who’s going to come in that way? Oh yeah, me.
The sliding door isn’t even locked. If I have to do a job, they can at least make it a challenge. The room is dimly lit by a single lamp next to the bed. The shower is running in the bathroom, giving me an estimated time of ten minutes before he’ll be out. Time to kill I guess. I bounce on the bed and steal a mango from the fruit basket on the side table.  I turn the colorful fruit in my palm of my hand as the water shuts off.
Deawon walks out in a pair of red boxers. I shouldn’t be shocked by him, but somehow I am. Looking at an albino in photos dressed in a suit and tie verses seeing one bare chest in front of you is different. It’s laughable especially with the startled look on his face. 
“Who are you?” he demanded. I broke at that, a laugh bubbles up from my chest. The confused albino started to get even more anxious making his eyes flicker back and forth between me and the bed side table. As my laugher boils down to a giggle I lean over and pull open the drawer. Inside is a small revolver. I pull it out and set it on the table, gesturing to take it. I dare him to take it. “Who are you?” He asks again slowly.
“My name’s Nadia.”
It was his turn to chuckle, “It’s not nice to lie to people.”
“It’s not nice to kill them either, but that doesn’t stop you and it doesn’t stop me.”
“So you’re here to kill me?”
“Now you’re being straightforward?”
“Yes, but I’m still not giving you my name.”
“Fair enough. Then tell me what have, I done to you to make you want to kill me?”
“Personally? Nothing.” He moves to the bar and pours himself a glass of whiskey. I raise from the bed not trusting he won’t have another gun hidden. “My boss was hired to send me to kill you by someone in your trusted circle. Don’t bother asking who because I don’t know.” He lets out a deep sighs as he comes out from behind the bar. “Are you going to make this difficult on me?”
He shakes his head taking a giant gulp before setting his glass down. “If you don’t kill me whoever hired you will have one of his men do it and they’ll probably do it in a less dignified way.”
“Dying in your boxers is dignified?” A slight smile plays across his pale lips at my snarky comment.
“More dignified than being gunned down in the street or in front of someone I care about.” It was my turn to have a sad smile. I wish I had someone who cared enough not to get shot in front of me as messed up as that sounds.  “Just make it quick and quiet please. I have someone sleeping in the other room.” My gaze follows his to the door leading to the other room and nod silently. Quick and quiet are my specialties. I step up behind him and flex my claws. With my nail against his carotid artery Daewon gives a nod letting me know he’s ready. I dig in and with a quick slash his body slumps to the floor. Within seconds he breathing ceases and soon after his heart follows. The blood pools spreading out from his throat like a glass of spilled milk.
I make for the balcony when a small voice catches my attention. I glance over my shoulder just in time to see a small, blond, innocent girl walk in from the other bedroom. She starts to wipe the sleep away from her big blue eyes as she clings to a small stuff-dog. She can’t be more than four or five. “Papa?”

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