Time Travel Is Possible? | Teen Ink

Time Travel Is Possible?

January 24, 2016
By skul989 BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
skul989 BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

50 years later after my birth, I sit next to a window with the sun shining bright on my face. Kids are playing Rocketball, a game in which you're hovering 5 feet above the air and playing with a small yet heavy ball. I whip out my old Ipod Touch that I received on my birthday of 2018 and the songs are still there.

CRASH!!! The rocketball whizzes past me and straight into my closet. There is an eerie silence and the silent footsteps of kids walking towards my house door. I'm not angry, I remember when we used to play football or cricket and it would hit someone's window but usually we would run away. THUD. The ball drops on the floor and along with it the door to another precious memory is opened. An old box is there covered in dust and spider webs, even with this advanced technology how do we still have dirty houses. I open the box and there it is, sitting silently in it's silver matte finish and still sleek. Not many people have the 2013 Macbook Pro anymore and it's considered an antique. I was offered over $5000 for it 2 years ago but I kindly declined the offer. I quickly return the children's ball and hurry back to my old laptop.

With a deep breath I blow all the dust that was covering it outside of the window.  I find a power point and plug the charger in, the white apple logo shines brightly with the black background behind. I try to remember my old password and on the first attempt it logs in. The desktop is covered with tv shows and movies but a wild message appears out of nowhere from chrome. 'Would you like to restore your tabs when chrome was shut down'. Sadly, I have no internet since there is no WiFi but I turn on my other computer and look for solutions to connect it to the internet. After hundreds of tries the WiFi bar has a series of black lines like a golgi apparatus. I restore the chrome tabs and the first tab that opens is "Short Anecdotes of My Life".

I read every single post and realise that at least I accomplished my dream of working in National Geographic. Some questions are burdened on me, that my 10th grade counterpart would have wanted to ask:

- Is global warming still a problem?
- How has technology advanced in the future and what differences has it made?
- Do you know who wins the $1.6 billion PowerBall?
- Is the future good for me and do I get to work at my dream job?
- Do the creators of Flash ever release a new episode?
- Do you travel the world and live an exciting life or just work a boring desk job from 9-5?

I wish I could time travel but then I realise it's not 2016 anymore, it's 2050 where time travel up to 50 years is possible with a valid reason. I get my car jet and fly quickly to the passport office to issue a time travel passport.


3 weeks later, my passport arrives and I'm off to the Virginia Time Travel Station. I set the date to 3rd of January, when my elder brother has left for Canberra and it's the last day of Winter Break.


I materialise behind him and watch him for five minutes. He's watching a movie while eating Doritos. He stands up for some reason and sees me, startled he throws a tennis ball lying next to his table at me. I tell him I'm from the future by showing some proof. We both sit down and have some doritos and a can of coca cola each. "Ahh, good old Coca-Cola still the same taste but personally I liked the old ones better the new ones have a tinge of purple in it which looks different and unoriginal" I said. My 10th grade counterpart looks at me in a weird way still trying to assimilate what is going on.


"I figured you might have some questions for me to which I've come prepared, sadly I cannot tell you the future since that will alter the timeline but I can give you some advice. Don't worry about the past, learn from your mistakes and try not to repeat them. Even if you get bad grades just remember that one bad test cannot change your whole life. You want to work at National Geographic and travel the world, sure do that and pursue it but just don't fall back from your dream. Many other people will tell you the same thing and you might not consider them seriously but do not take them for granted. You will realise their importance in your future years. You can become successful by dedicating your time to what you love and that's the most important thing in life, that's what I've discovered and why I've come back 34 years in time to tell you the same the thing. I'm sorry I can't answer your questions because it could change the timeline of this world and we would have a completely different fate in the future. Only time will tell and then all your questions shall be answered."


We both get up and hug and it feels weird to hug my younger self even though it is just me.


"Umm, okay. Thanks I guess, I have a questi...."


I dematerialise and I'm back at the station. I take a seat and sit back thinking if I forgot to tell him anything. I reach towards my pocket and realise that my phone is missing. The 16 year old me stole it and now has access to the remnants of the future.

Suddenly, the train station starts to dematerialise and I'm left in a room with the walls as a white matrix. I have no idea what's going on and simply just sit and realise that the younger me has made a big mistake.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 28 2016 at 2:50 pm
Dameon_Farris PLATINUM, Folton, District Of Columbia
20 articles 2 photos 78 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree. It will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." - Albert Eistiene

Wow mind blowing great job XD