Beast Needs a Beauty | Teen Ink

Beast Needs a Beauty

January 15, 2016
By MaddieMREM141210 BRONZE, Simpson, Pennsylvania
MaddieMREM141210 BRONZE, Simpson, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time, there lived a happily married couple.  Henry and his wife got along very well because they were both pleasant and kind to talk to.  They lived in an extravagant castle in the middle of the woods.  One day, Henry’s demanding boss called for him to leave home and move closer to the kingdom for seven months.  His wife was sad to see him go and wept for the first three nights.  When the seven months were up, Henry walked into his house to an unexpected surprise.

“Get out!” Henry yelled at the man sitting with his wife.  “Get out before I force you out myself!” The mysterious man quickly stood up and ran out the door.

“I was gone for seven months to provide the food you eat and to shelter you and I come home to see you’ve betrayed me!  I can’t believe you disregarded three years of marriage for someone else!”  Henry shouted.
His speechless wife, distraught and in tears, ran out of the house, slammed the door shut, and dashed into the woods.  She sprinted all the way to her mother’s house and fell several times over logs and stones acquiring many scratches. 

She knocked furiously at the wooden door until her protective mother opened it.  The upset woman immediately hugged her mother.

“Oh, dear,” her mother exclaimed, “what has gotten you so upset?”

Sobbing, her daughter explained, “Henry is angry at me.  He hit me several times.” She gestured at the bruises made by her reckless journey.  Her mother believed the lie she was just told and ordered her to stay put, and she’ll handle the situation.  On her way out the door, the older lady grabbed a change of clothes and a small book.
Some time later, Henry received an unpleasant surprise.  An old witch dressed in a dark black and deep purple robe loomed over him. 

She said, “You hurt my daughter, now you will pay.” 

“What do you mean ‘I hurt your daughter’?  I never laid a hand on her in roughness!” He said in disbelief.
His mother-in-law scoffed in disgust, “I saw the bruises your dirty hands left on her skin!”

“I would never hit my wife!  I came home from a long work trip and found her with another man!” Henry said.
“Now you’re spreading lies about my precious daughter?  For eternal punishment, I’m going to cast a spell that only true love can break.  Good luck finding someone now!” she sneered.  The witch raised her right hand and sprinkled magic dust on him, and reading the words from the book in her other hand she chanted-

For misusing my daughter
I’ll brew up horrible torture
A spell is what I’ll make
True love will make it break
“Tell no one of your curse or you will be doomed forever!” and with that she left for good.
Henry immediately ran to the nearest mirror and stared in horror.  He was turned into a hideous beast.  Who could ever love me when I look like this?
As the years went by, he noticed he wasn’t aging.  Maybe I already am doomed forever.  But the beast hadn’t given up all his hope.  He spent most of his days tending to his gorgeous garden filled with carnations, lilies, orchids, tulips, and roses to attract lonely maidens.  The incredible fountain in the middle of it all completed the magical scene.

Every morning the poor beast would wake up and prepare an extravagant breakfast in hopes he’ll end up sharing it with someone.  He was always alone and he never left the castle to avoid drawing attention to him.

One stormy evening, the beast was preparing a lovely dinner when he heard a deep voice calling through his doorway.  The beast immediately ran up the stairs to his bedroom to hide from the unknown visitor.  The hours passed until the bell finally struck midnight.  Curious, the beast peeked out his room door and went off to search for the random guest.  Snoring could be heard three doors down from his room.  The man was sleeping peacefully in one of the beast’s spare bedrooms.  Continuing down the hall, the beast made his way downstairs to finally eat his meal.  He noticed half of his dinner was gone.  Nibbling on what was left, the beast wondered what he should do with his guest.  I guess I’ll just have to wait and see what he does in the morning. 

At dawn, the beast prepared a steaming cup of coffee and arranged some fruit in a bowl to give to the man sleeping upstairs.  He snuck up the stairs and placed the breakfast on the side table.  He then went back to his room to watch and wait for the man to leave.  Minutes later, the beast heard dishes clashing on the table.  Finally, the man appeared outside his room and ventured back downstairs.  The beast, keeping some distance, followed him outside.  The man descended the steps to the garden and made his way back to his horse that was tethered to a growing apple tree.  On the way, he bent to pick up a precious rose.  At this action, the beast had enough.  He ran out the door to stop the man.

“What do you think you’re doing?  I gave you protection from the elements and this is the thanks I get?  I could punish you with death for this!” growled the beast.
Overwhelmed with fear, the man begged, “Please forgive me!  I’ll do anything you say!  The rose wasn’t for me; I promised my daughter I would get her one on my journey!  Please forgive me!”
“I will give you one chance” granted the beast.
Grateful he might live, the man replied, “Of course!”
“Bring me your daughter,” the beast requested.  With that, the man glumly accepted and went home to share the news.

The beast was excited that he acquired some company.  Now I am one step closer to freedom.  He waited all day for his lady to come.  Finally, he saw her riding towards him on a beautiful mare. 

“Hello, young lady,” said the beast to his visitor.
“Hello.  My name is Belle,” spoke the terrified woman.
“My name is… uh.  You can just call me Sir.” responded the beast.
“Okay, Sir.”

The rest of the day, the beast showed his new guest around the giant castle.  He brought her to her bedroom, her bath, and the dining area.  He also presented his gorgeous garden to her.  She rarely spoke, but he didn’t say much either.

As the days passed, the two kept each other company by slowly talking and sharing stories.  They spent nights together by the fire, just sitting for hours.

While Belle was getting accustomed to her new home, the beast was eager to marry her.  He found himself quickly falling in love with her.  I shall ask her hand for marriage tonight in the garden.  That night, he took her out to the garden and asked the magic words.  Belle looked taken off guard.  She let the beast down gently which ruined the beast’s mood.

The next morning, the beast felt bad and gave his love a magic mirror that would show her parents.

“I love it! Thank you so much!” said Belle appreciatively.

She would sit for hours staring at that mirror.  Until one day, the beast found her weeping in front of it.  She explained that her father was ill and close to death.  The beast generously granted her seven days to be with her family in this time of need.  Thankful, she hugged the beast and raced home on her horse.

Being home alone again took a toll on the beast.  He sat in the same room he did when Belle was there and just thought about her.  The days crept by very slowly until it was the last hour of the seventh day.  The beast felt weak from being away from his true love for too long.  He was gazing at the rose bush that both he and Belle loved when he collapsed on the ground.  He started calling out for Belle, hoping she was near.

When it was quarter to midnight, he heard the familiar clacking of hooves on the ground, racing towards him.  A second later, someone was kneeling next to him and grasped his hand.

“Oh, beast I’m so sorry I’m late!  I will marry you!” implored Belle.  At those words, the beast turned back into a handsome young man.

Rejoicing, Henry jumped around and said, “The curse is broken! I am free! I couldn’t tell anyone of my curse, and only true love would break it.  You saved my life Belle!”  They hugged and celebrated.  They had a wonderful wedding three days later and lived happily ever after.

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