Ariel | Teen Ink


December 27, 2015
By Oliviakliv BRONZE, Lake Charles, Louisiana
Oliviakliv BRONZE, Lake Charles, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

Everybody has some kind of fear, something that makes them cringe or scared mercilessly.  If you say you don’t I’m sure by the time you’re done reading this you will develop a fear or at least an understanding of my fear. Let’s start from the beginning, I’m from Atlantica, the place where mermaids exist. Unfortunately, your realm has a way of making our lives seem exiting and cool. But, in reality it’s the total opposite. My name is Ariel and to your surprise, life under the sea isn’t all cracked up as they say it is. We all have to live day to day worried that we are going to die. The reason is scary. You may be wondering what could be so scary. The real question should be who could be so scary. Her name is Ursula, the Sea Witch. She is a dark person who inhabits the darkest magic possible. Now, could you imagine if in your realm magic was real and how chaotic and dangerous it could be? Well, let’s just say, I learned that pretty early in my life. Have you ever heard the saying “all magic comes with a price”? Well, I’m living proof that’s as true as it gets.
I’m fifteen years old and have six older sisters. I live with my dad, King Triton, and my mom passed away after giving birth to me, although I’ve heard she was an amazing queen. I only ever has two friends throughout my life, ones name is Sebastian. The others name was flounder and he unfortunately was brutally murdered by a night creeper. They have only one job, destroy anything with a pure heart. . Night creepers are creatures that only have one job, kill anything with a pure heart. If you haven’t already guessed it, the Sea Witch made these creepers so she could watch people cry over the death of loved ones.
At the time I had never met the sea witch and little did I know things were soon about to change all because of a silly little dream I had.
My whole life I wanted to go on land so I could escape the danger and depressing nature of Atlantica. I just want to let loose and run a park or skate in the rink. Luckily,  I have an importer, his name is Scuttle, and he collects human objects and brings them to me. And it’s made me very interested in their way of life, the way they eat, drink, run and even go to the bathroom. I would give or do anything to live on land and enjoy the luxuries of humans. That’s where I went wrong.
The Sea Witch contains such dark power she can influence the innocent to use it. I was a victim of the witch. I participated in her evil ways and let her use her black magic to help me achieve my dream and ended up paying the biggest price anyone could ever pay. Her magic is like a disease, once it hits you it will never leave you alone. Voices will begin clouding your thoughts. You’ll begin to go crazy.
I got so fed up of sea life I made the hugest mistake ever. I did what any desperate mermaid would do. Go see the witch. I swam with determination until I reached her cavern. Then the anxiety caught up with me. I started to panic, I was about to bail out until I saw, the witch sitting at the entrance smirking.
My eyes starting to droop my mouth began to fall, I let out a subtle scream. She disappeared into the cave, I followed.
“What is it you want?” She demanded
I stuttered “I… need…help.”
“Spit it out, I don’t have all day.”
“I want to walk on land and get away from this place. I have become indescribably sick of it here.”
“Easy enough but please don’t ever raise your voice to me ever again, unless you want to see what it’s like to live in a cage for eternity”
I felt a pressure on my chest. She is very intimidating in person, she towers over me has a powerful voice. When she said “easy enough” I begin to day dream, is she really as powerful as they say? Can she really help me walk on land? I could possibly meet the love of my life, we could walk down the aisle and even cut a cake. This has been my dream since I was a little girl, I can’t believe this is happening.
I asked her “What’s your price”
“The heart of the one you love the most” she said in a very downgrading way as if I should already know that.
I was dumbfounded. I felt my heart fall and break into a million pieces. I began to bite my lip. My stomach cringed and was tied up in a million knots. I couldn’t believe what I heard, is she serious? The person I loved the most was my father. If I killed him, who would be king? More importantly who would be my father? Now, the unfortunate thing all I had to do was imagine myself with feet and I was sold.
“I’ll do anything” When those words left my mouth I felt my soul leave my body.
“Great, when you bring the heart you get the feet. Here’s a blade… You know what to do.”
I was on a mission, a deadly mission. Black magic had a way of making its way into your brain and controlling you. If I had the chance to take back what I did I obviously would. Since, that’s not possible I must go through with it.
I entered the castle fidgeting with my hands. It was obvious I was nervous. I knew by this time my father was usually heading out to the village to meet with his friends. I left the cove and followed the carriage that was making its way to the village. I hoped inside and sat next to father, we had basic small talk. It was going just the way I had sickly planned.
We stopped for a break and the soldiers left the area to tie up the seahorses. This was my moment, the time has come. I looked him in the eyes and smiled. Then, grabbed the blade out of my satchel and stuck it in his chest. I twisted the blade and watched as the life left his body He murmured, “Why Ariel, what have I done to deserve this? I didn’t reply and continued the job. I carved out his heart and stuck it in my bag. Right before the soldiers returned I was long gone. Now the time had arrived, it was my time to go get what I so deserved.
“Oh dearie, I’m in the back, have you brought back the heart?”
“Yes I –“
“Hand it over”
I reached into my bag and grabbed the glowing heart.
“Here…I have it… “
“Good job obedient one.”
Ursula began to tell me the details she had previously left out.
“In order for this to work you must have a pure heart and an empty mind. I have a potion for you to drink. This is the most powerful of all the land. In order for this to work you must believe. Think of the thing you want to possess and you will become that thing.”
She handed me this purple potion in a dirty clear glass. I took it from her and hesitated to sip it. What if this was a scam?  If it is I’m screwed, she has his heart and will rule the kingdom and I’ll still be stuck here.
I drank it.
I started to feel dizzy, I almost fainted, I realized couldn’t breathe. I used all my strength to swim to the surface. I burst onto the surface gasping for air. I swam to the shore and stared at my feet. I felt this sensation of joy run through my body. Can this be? Am I a human?
I laid down on the sand and began playing with my feet and then this man began to approach me.
“Hey you, want to get some ice cream?”
“I don’t even know him and what the heck is ice cream” I thought to myself. I guess it’s a human thing. This man was attractive he was nothing like the merman in Atlanica.
“That would be great”
“Follow me”
“What’s your name?”
He giggled, “Eric, and you?”
When we arrived, he insisted I got what he usually gets so I did. When they were done making the ice cream I tried a bit. My mouth my watering my eyes got huge. Eric started to stare at me look confused.
He smiled
“I’ve never had ice cream”
He looked stunned and then winked.
“Are you serious?”
I really like him, he’s cute and funny. Even though our conversation is so simple I feel a connection with Eric.
“It’s beginning to get late.” I exclaimed
He whispered, “I don’t mind staying out a little past curfew.”
I followed Eric as he went around a corner and walked into some old abandoned structure.
“This is where I use to go as a kid”
“Wow, it’s pretty intimidating in here, like an adrenaline rush. Ya know?”
He looked at me and used the same goofy smile he did when he first met me. He reached his hand out and touched my thigh. My heart was racing and I felt butterflies start to swarm in my stomach. Eric put his hand on my check and rubbed it with his thumb. Before I could speak he leaned in and kissed me.
“I’ve never met a girl like you before”
“Ya, I’m not like most girls.”
Could this be it? Is this true love? I feel like he is my soul mate. Love at first sight is real and I just witnessed it, make like felt it.
“It’s almost midnight want to come back to my place?”
Just as I was about to reply I forgot I left my bag at the beach. I had no choice but to go back and retrieve it.
“Eric, I’ll be right back I have to go get my belongings that I left at the shore this morning.”
“Okay, I’ll be here when you get back Ariel.”
I ran to the beach I wanted to hurry up the process because I needed to get back to my newfound love Eric. As, I was running I felt dizzy and a sudden pain started to take over on my lower body.
I look down and gasp. My feet were gone and the fin had returned. I felt so betrayed and so destroyed I wanted to die. I had no choice but to dive into the ocean. I only had one thing and one thing only on my mind and it was to find Ursula. With determination I swam to her cove. I arrived stormed in and saw her sitting in her throne, evilly smirking.
“How dare you trick me?”
“It’s not my fault you didn’t listen carefully, I said I’d give your feet, I never said they would last forever.”
“You tricked me.”
“No, that’s where you’re wrong.”
I felt heartbroken, like someone had taken out my heart and stomped on it. This was not how it was supposed to go. Her power is to dark and I made the mistake of using it. I lost the two most important things; my father and my true love.
I stormed out and began to cry. I thought I was strong but, in reality I was weak. My soul is gone and so is my once pure heart. I have nothing else to look forward to in life. Once you use black magic your heart turns black. I’m writing this as a precaution for anyone who dares to go to the sea witch for help. When I was a kid I feared nothing. Not even the night creepers nor the witch who made them. I was brave kid. Notice how I said was.
I’m a wimp because my ego was too big I thought nothing was scary but in reality I fear the Sea Witch with all my heart. I will never step foot in her cavern ever again. I haven’t talked to a single soul since I last saw the Sea Witch. She made an announcement to the entire kingdom and demanded if anyone ever said a word to me they would die. She cast a spell on me with a fate worse than death. Immortality. Could you imagine being alone your whole life? All magic comes with a price. Some prices though aren’t worth paying

The author's comments:

I wanted to put a twist on my favorite princess growing up.

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This article has 5 comments.

on Jan. 2 2016 at 8:56 pm
EmmaMayWang GOLD, Pelham, Alabama
10 articles 0 photos 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It is art, and art only, that reveals us to ourselves."
- Oscar Wilde

You're very welcome!

on Jan. 2 2016 at 2:55 pm
Oliviakliv BRONZE, Lake Charles, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 2 comments
Thank You so much!

on Jan. 2 2016 at 4:12 am
EmmaMayWang GOLD, Pelham, Alabama
10 articles 0 photos 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It is art, and art only, that reveals us to ourselves."
- Oscar Wilde

Oh and, lovely article by the way ;)

on Jan. 1 2016 at 12:46 pm
Oliviakliv BRONZE, Lake Charles, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 2 comments
Haha! Yes of course!

on Jan. 1 2016 at 6:28 am
EmmaMayWang GOLD, Pelham, Alabama
10 articles 0 photos 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It is art, and art only, that reveals us to ourselves."
- Oscar Wilde

ohhh *all magic comes with a price*, you watch OUAT don't you ;)?