Aarshiya Abaddon | Teen Ink

Aarshiya Abaddon

December 8, 2015
By batmansbabeeee21 BRONZE, Alba, Missouri
batmansbabeeee21 BRONZE, Alba, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
God wouldn't put anything on your shoulders if he knew you couldn't take it.

I was walking to the bus when I saw a young girl I know walk into an alley. I followed her into the alley, curious of why she would be wandering around there, and she was gone,. The alley had no way out except the way I came in, and she was gone, disappeared into thin air. I kept walking all the way to the end of the alley, and I saw a piece of paper lying on the ground, folded neatly. As nosy as I am, I picked up the letter and unfolded it. On the letter, there was a diary entry written on the day October 31, 2016. You could understand why this stunned me, because it was only October 20, 2015. The 31st hasn't even came yet. I thought that was a little odd so I continued reading the words on the page, and they read, "They found me again today. The 16th town in less than three weeks and they found me, AGAIN! How come they won't leave me alone, my mom told me this would happen, she told me because of my situation, that they would come after me every chance they get. But they came at me, the assembly of God, and the conclave of  Satan all came after me, working together to get me. Why would they be working together? They were sworn enemies, why, oh why would they combine their powers to bring down a 15 year old girl? Then I remembered…"
I dropped the letter, astonished by what it said. I thought the girl was crazy! But then I hear noises coming from behind the dumpster, I went to investigate and all it was, was a rat. Weird. Then I turned around, and got blasted with some weapon, and today, I woke up here, in some dark fortress… All I could think was 'What have I gotten myself into?'

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