Incomprehensible Reasons | Teen Ink

Incomprehensible Reasons

October 15, 2015
By brookebatalis BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
brookebatalis BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A mind-blowing, gigantic fire blew the roof off of a baby-blue colored house with a white roof. The family inside the house scattered out the front door of the house with jaw- breaking screams. The mother of the family was stumbling trying to save the infant she was carrying. The father quickly rushed over to help the mother while the other child ran to my house. This child was about 13, so she was a teen. I saw the frightened, blue eyes on her face. I knew it wasn’t right for me to be a bystander watching this gruesome sight. I screeched to the teen to tell her family to come over to my house so they wouldn’t get hurt by the fire. When they got on our front yard, I quickly rushed to the house and dialed 911 on the home phone.
“Yes this is emergency services. How can we help you?” Said the operator.
“There is a fire that caused a house to explode on 597 Westville Drive!” I said.
“Ok. There is help on the way now. Thank you for reporting this situation and make sure people stay in safe places until help arrives.” Said the operator.
A groundbreaking boom came from across the street.
I sprinted towards the teen and her dirty, blond hair swished toward me. The family was so upset. I offered to let them come inside my house, because I thought it was safer than being inside. I heard a siren approaching closer and closer. The family stopped walking to the house and turned around. The Firemen jumped out of the firetruck and got the hose. They sprayed the baby blue house until the flame went out. Everything the family had had been ruined. The family watched the house turn to ashes with gloomy, eyes. I was trying my best to support them when I saw a hint of green come out of the corner of the house. I squinted to see what the hint of green was. I couldn’t tell, so I told the family and they didn’t know either.
“Let me go tell the Firemen to have a look,” said Jerry, the Father.
“I would tell them quick because it looks like it is an animal or something that is walking away. Wait, look! There are multiple groups of them coming out of the house! Go tell the Firemen!” said Maria, the Daughter.
Jerry went over to tell the Firemen about the green blurs. They Firemen took a buddy and went to investigate. A few minutes later, the Firemen came rushing back.
“I can’t believe there are aliens and zombies! Just like the ones in the books! They’re here! They were coming out of the house! They must have been what made the house explode! Quick! Call the Police and Investigators! We need backup!” Said one of the firechiefs.
I darted to my house, again, and called for Police and Investigators. Then I thought why the police and the Investigators didn’t come when I called 911. The Firemen came, but not the police. I quit the thought because they Police and Investigators had just arrived. The Firemen directed the Police and Investigators to the side of the house. The investigators scribbled things down on their notepads. About 45 minutes later, the situation had a solution and everyone was going home. The Investigators and Police came to the family and me. I was puzzled at what they had to say.
“Well, it seems that there are green figures over there. We have no clue what they are. We are going to take them to the science labs up town to investigate them. I have never seen anything in my life. It looks just like…aliens and…zombies.” explained the Police officer.
I pondered in my head what was going on. The family was puzzled, too. Maria turned to me.
“There can’t be aliens and zombies. Can there? That seems quite unreal. How could that be? Maria said.
I felt a tap on my shoulder. The next few seconds were blank. First, I was seeing the normal neighborhood. Now, I saw complete blackness and it was hard to breath. I heard Maria screaming no. I heard voices for a few minutes, but they vanished. I was suddenly being swayed back and forth repeatedly. I only had one question: What just happened?
My next feeling after feeling being swayed back and forth was ascending into air. I tried hard to pay attention to the conversation from outside this bag. I couldn’t hear due to the sound of loud thumping of my heart. Everything was happening so fast, that I couldn’t comprehend it all. I tugged on the bag so hard it broke. I would have rather stayed in the bag because what I saw next was mind-blowing. It turns out; there were actually aliens and zombies. Maria had been kidnapped, too!
Maria had been strapped to a chair. I glanced out the windows and saw that we were soaring in the air. The aliens and zombies ten strapped me to a chair. I tugged and failed to get out of the wrist-breaking knots. The aliens then began to speak.
“You too only have one chance to live. You will go together and bring back the newest crown from the thrown. If you two fail to complete this task, you will die. We will be putting these tracking bracelets on your wrists so we know where you are. Don’t even try to take these off because they won’t come off without our permission. Do you guys wish to do the quest or do you choose to die? “The alien asked with an evil grin.
I tried to turn to look at Maria without hurting my wrists. I wanted to live because I had a lot left to do; see the Statue of Liberty, the Eiffel Tower, and more. I couldn’t just give up my life for aliens to miss that! I had to complete this pointless quest to save my life. I pondered about if Maria would say no. Then, she turned to me. I gave her pleading eyes while she gave me an unreadable expression. Finally, she gave the aliens and zombies a nod. I just had one thought: let’s do this!
“Good luck miniature, people. Oh! You also need to bring back a slate of diamond. Here is the map of three places you need to go to survive. You need to come back here in two days or else. Better get started because you time starts NOW!” Said the head alien.
The aliens and zombies untied our hands from the chairs. They threw the map on the floor and kicked in toward us. It was made on paper like a pirate map. Our first place to go was Indiana. I discussed with Maria that we needed to have our things, or what she had left, packed by tonight and we needed to leave tonight. She nodded her head occasionally as I explained my instructions to her. I got irritated how she was acting like this was an everyday thing. Finally, I finished instructions and we headed to home.
Later that night, I said my final goodbye to my family. They were gloomy that I was leaving, but they said best wishes. It was time to go. I walked as slow as a turtle, but acted jumpy like a rabbit inside. I kicked stones all the way to the bus stop. Maria was there on her phone with a backpack. The backpack had small holes where embers had hit it. The bus rounded the corner and we boarded. We both chose to sit at the front of the bus so we got up faster. I started to diminish into thought about the quest. I was getting fed up with the idea of having to complete a quest to live. I wanted to live, but I didn’t want to do a quest for an aliens and zombies that could take over the world. I configured with a couple of plans and asked Maria about her thoughts about this quest.
“Honestly, I don’t really want to do it. What is we get killed? What is we don’t bring back the diamond slate? What if---“ I said.
“I feel the same way, but there really isn’t anything we can do about it. We still have our friends, family, and so much more to live for. We have to do this to be with those people and things. We shouldn’t be thinking about the future when we could get sidetracked about the present.” Maria said interrupting me.
Before I could respond and say she was right, the bus bolted from 60 miles an hour to 100 miles an hour. The bus driver bellowed to everyone on the bus that we would arrive at Indiana in a couple of minutes. Then, the bus driver went back to watching the road. Every once in a while he would babble into the radio, but other than that, he didn’t say a peep. Finally, we arrived in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
The bus approached a bus station and parked. Maria and I got off the bus rapidly and gathered our belongings. We sat down our things at a bench and peeked at the map. We were supposed to find a diamond necklace in this town. Maria got out her phone and searched for jewelry stores. There were four stores really close to us. We confirmed to go to Emily’s Jewelry Shop. It was about two miles away from the bus stop, so we decided to walk. I gently kicked stones all the way to the shop thinking about the diamond slate not being there. Not too long
later we arrived at the jewelry store. I prayed for the slate to be here as we walked into the store.
Maria and I thought it was a good idea to split up. It wasn’t too long until we found the diamond section. I quickly approached the counter and found the diamond slate! I suddenly felt and urge of stress come off my shoulders. I ushered for Maria to come over to the counter. She beamed as I showed her the diamond slate. We glanced at the price tag and realized the aliens and zombies had given us enough money for the diamond slate. I greeted an employee and told her we wanted the diamond slate. The employee, Lucy, then walked over to the display of diamonds and took the diamond slate off the shelf. Maria payed for the slate while the employee gently gave me the diamond slate. We finally exited the shop rapidly saying how grateful we were to complete our quest. We just needed to get home.
We boarded the bus back to Kentucky. It was nice to feel the feeling of no stress after being stressed for two days. I managed to sneak a nap while Maria kept watch of each stop. It felt like only a couple of minutes later when Maria nudged me to wake up. We got off the bus at a station that was only a couple miles away from our houses. It felt so good to be back in my home town. Now, I got back to my normal life with the people that meant dearly to me. I felt myself slow down at the sight of my house. That is when I knew I was home.

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