Brown Eyes | Teen Ink

Brown Eyes

June 15, 2015
By kir5ten BRONZE, Morristown, New Jersey
kir5ten BRONZE, Morristown, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"In order to be unique, one must always be different."

He chose me from the crowd like a bee chooses a flower. I hovered for a second, then pranced up the crumbly-hard maroon wood to greet him. As he reached out a wing to pull me in to his chest for a hug, a chill crawled from my neck down my spine, it felt like a slimy worm. 
“Hello Prince Tolend, *caw* nice to meet you,” I said.
“And your name please, Miss?” Prince Tolend replied.
I said back, “My name is Scarlet... if I may ask, why did you choose me sire?”
“Your brown eyes are so dark I can’t tell the difference between your pupil and sclera, it’s different, you’re different,” he said.
“..ok then,” I said.
“Well, for now we must go to the Distant Land for you to meet my father… the king,” he replied.
As we joined the escort to the Distant Land, I heard my mother and father crying from a distance. I looked over my shoulder slightly, but couldn’t bare to turn around fully, we flew away.
We glided through trees to the “mother tree” where the king lived. As I stepped down onto the branch, something caught the corner of my eye. A brown eyed human stood at the base of a willow tree, he was watching me. I rushed inside the tree and standing in front of me was the king of all birds. He was a short bird with a rounded tummy, light brown wings and a sharp gray beak.
The King said, “Hello Scarlet, I am King Gray. I see my son has chosen you to become his new wife.”
“Yes indeed, shall we get ready to tell the kingdom?” I asked.
“Absolutely!” he replied.
He showed me where the Prince and I would live and where the wedding would take place. Then, the doves in waiting dressed me in flower petals that matched my grand blue wings and long black beak. Prince Tolend and I walked through the hanging gold and purple flowers and onto the highest branch of the Willow Tree. As I looked at all the citizens standing there “cooing”, I took a deep breath in, taking in the smell of trees and crisp air. While breathing out, something sharp went through my feathers and into my back.
The Prince’s wing was ripped from mine and I fell off the tree branch. I heard everyone screaming and flying away in terror at what they had just seen. I was falling, while gasping for air. I landed in a pile of leaves and they crunched from under me. I saw the man from earlier walk slowly towards me, but the sun was shining through the trees above me, onto my face, so I couldn’t see his face. As he brought me up closer to him, I saw him and he looked disappointed, but he grabbed me up and pulled out the arrow. The King ordered the guardian birds to attack and distract him while the Prince and his men tried to come get me. All I thought to myself was “Why me?”
The hunter tied my feet and brought me up to a brown leather bag around his hip where I saw four Jays with different colors in his holster. I was placed in carefully next to the other birds like me and a tear fell from my eye. My eyes slowly blinked and blinked until their sparkle faded away. The last thing I saw was his brown eyes.

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