The Life Changing g | Teen Ink

The Life Changing g

May 14, 2015
By shawn proehl BRONZE, Hermann, Missouri
shawn proehl BRONZE, Hermann, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Life Changing Graffiti
Cletus, the thirty-eight year old town hobo, has had the worst life anyone could ask for; he literally had nothing. He lived on the streets and only had one set of clothes; which were all tore up and nasty and did not smell the healthiest. The most unfortunate thing that has happened in his life between the time he was 5 and when he turned 35 his whole family died of cancer. One by one his family members were disappearing, but never once did he show signs of anything wrong with him. He never got sick and he lived off the streets. Living on the streets was no easy task, he could sit there all day with nothing but the clothes on his back, and beg and beg for money, and still would not have enough to even buy a bottle of water. He knew other hobos would just run out of the store with food and drunks that they needed, he was not about that, he would not take nothing that he does not earn himself.
He knew that one day he would have to change something up so he can get more food and survive. Living like he his, he feels, he will not make it much longer. So he sat and thought long and hard one day, and figured he can just get a big stick and whack some birds. So he did, he found a big stick and started whacking birds. It was a little more difficult than he thought it would be, he got a few. So, with those birds he had killed he made a little fire and plucked the birds. Then began to cook the them over the fire. It was not the most normal food he has ever had, but it was food and that's all he cared about. Sadly, getting birds did not last long; soon it became too much work for him to try and kill these birds. He was just burning more energy than the birds would give him. One day, he was sitting there like normal begging for change and someone threw a bunch of 5 gallon buckets at him.
With these four buckets he turned them upside down just drumming on them with his hands; it sounded pretty cool. He looked over at his bird whacking stick and thought drum sticks so, he broke the stick in half and made them into drumsticks for his bucket drum set. He just began drumming, creating some rhythm and it sounded really good. He could not believe how cool it was sounding. The pedestrians could not believe it either. This homeless man that is a nobody to everyone has a talent. People began throwing money down beside him he never thought this day would come. People were even putting dollar bills down for him. So he ate good that night; buying some food and plenty to drink to last for a while. But, soon everyone got tired of hearing him play and the money kept getting thinner and thinner. He figured if he moved to a different part of the town where no one has heard him yet he would do good again and make some money.
He sure did move down by a bridge in the old park where there is a lot of graffiti on the walls. People always walked through there all the time. He got a strange feeling about the new place too, because the graffiti just looked weird to him. He could not tell what it was, it was just creepy too him. It was getting late, so he hit the sack and went to sleep. It was an unusual dream that night because he had a dream about that graffiti. In the dream was he was able to walk through the graffiti into a whole other world. This dream was so real to him when he woke up, he honestly thought  he could walk into the wall of graffiti and end up in a world of his own. A world all for him, that he could have the life he always wanted. The sun was up when he tried to walk through the wall and it did not work. He thought maybe it was a dream for a reason. That night, right before he drifted off to sleep he wondered if it had to be dark out. So, he got up and tried it; and sure enough he got sucked into a whole new world.
The world look just like a normal town but it was full of his old friends and family members, that he has not seen them in a very long time. He was so happy he broke down and cried. He tried pinching himself to see if he was sleeping and he was awake, wide awake. His wife came running up and hugged him and brought him into this big pink house; and she has been dead for 15 years from cancer. Cletus didn’t know what was going on or what to even do, but just live his life, in this new world and that is what he did for the rest of his life, with all of his old friends and family members. What Cletus did not know that he had cancer as well and it took that long to get to his brain and he died in his sleep that night. So his dream about this other world wasn't just any other world, it was heaven, heaven for him. That is why his old family members and friends were there, that all passed away way before him. He still does not know that he's dead, and  thinks he is alive and well. But, no one wants to take this joy from him. “Live on and be happy Cletus.”

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