The Dream Monster | Teen Ink

The Dream Monster

April 20, 2015
By ForeverFandomz BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
ForeverFandomz BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“I am terribly clumsy, so there is a plethora of walking into lamp-posts, falling over, dropping things, and ruining sofas.”-Matt Smith

Its all so...dark.
“Hello?” I listen to my echo fade away.
I try to get up to walk around but there is something binding my arms and legs together. I start to hyperventilate as I yank against the bonds. It feels like ages but finally I wriggle my hands free and undo my feet. I sigh loudly and rub my wrists and ankles.
“Hey Kara...Seems like you got your bonds off. Mind helping me out over here?” A familiar voice calls from a distance.
“Rena?! Is that you?!” I say running towards what seems to be her voice.
“Of course it is! Now get me out of these ropes!” Her voice shouts, still so far away.
“Just...just stay calm..I’m gonna get to you soon. I promise.” I say holding my hands out trying to find her. Eventually I run into a bed and feel around and feel a lump, but its laying dead still. I wait for movement, anything to tell me that the figure is alive. After a moment I feel breathing movements and begin to look for the bonds tying it down. The bonds were finally off and I heard the person sigh in relief.
“You okay Rena?” I ask patting her on the lap.
“I think so...but if you could come untie my bonds that would be nice.” She whines, but it comes from across the room. Slowly my head turns to the figure next to me only to meet acreature with dead eyes and a sloppy smile. It let out a small chuckle that quickly grew into a fit of hysterical shrieks. I run quickly over to where I think Rena is and undo her bonds.

“Thank you! What the hell is that thing?!” She cries pointing to the creature.
“I don’t know and I don’t care. I’m gettin outta here, are you coming with me?” I shout staring at the shrieking creature. “Of course I’m going with you!” And with that we started running. We ran until we saw what looked like an exit.

“There! Where the light is pouring in!” I shout back at Rena.
“Got it!” She panted out, trying to keep a steady breath.
We were so close when it happened. The shrieking creature jumped in front of me and shoved me into a wall. I braced for impact and then I felt my body slam against the wall. Pain shot through my entire body as I crumpled to floor. I looked up to see Rena trapped in the hand of the creature, the life being squeezed out of her. She holds out for a minute and then slumps in my hand. I open my mouth the scream but nothing comes out.
The creature drops Rena and runs off, shriek laughing again. I drag my damaged body over to her lifeless one. I move the hair out of her face and see blood dribble out of her mouth.
“No. nonononono. You have so much to live for. WAKE UP!” I cry at her, hoping she would wake up.
Instead of her waking up, I did. It was all a dream, every last part of it. I sigh in relief as I wipe the sweat off of my forehead. I roll over on my side and pick up my phone. School starts soon so I rush getting ready. I check my appearance and nod slightly giving myself the look of approval. I rush to school and see Rena who is in the same morning daze that everyone else is in.
“You will not believe the dream I had last night! It was insane.” I say sitting down at the table with her.
“Me too!” She giggles suddenly awake. “You were there and there was this gross monster thing and then we started running-”

“and we were almost to the light when the monster cut us off and threw you into a wall-”
“and it grabbed you and crushed you, then dropped you-”
“the you ran over to me telling me about how much I had to live for.”
“So I’m just taking a guess by saying that we had the same dream.” I say leaning forward.
“You are probably right, dork.” She snorted at me.
And with that the bell rang and we made our way to our classes and finished our day, letting the dream fade slowly from our minds. But there was something almost warning me that that was my future and to be careful.

The author's comments:

This is inspired by all the weird times people have dreams and their friends seemed to have the same dream. I hope that people felt sickened by the monster and were on edge with atticipation.

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