Jeromy's Trouble on the Space Station | Teen Ink

Jeromy's Trouble on the Space Station

December 17, 2014
By johnsohe2019 BRONZE, Champaign, Illinois
johnsohe2019 BRONZE, Champaign, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I stopped in the hallway and looked out the window into space. Suddenly I was watching a blood red comet with a fiery tail fly by. I thought it was beautiful. The comet was flying far out of my view. I turned around to go back to my room.  Suddenly Clark was in front of me, looming over me like a judge in a court house.

“Hey wuss, looking at the comet?”
“So what.”
“Because I wanted to make your face look like it!”

Suddenly Clark lunged at me trying to connect his fist with my face like how a golfer connects his club with the ball, but I swiftly dodged his swing. He used so much force that when he missed he hit the light switch and broke it and the lights went out. He was cursing holding his fist and I ran as fast as a road runner. He wasn’t able to follow me but I took some turns to make sure. I went to my room and luckily Clark didn’t know where I lived. I was safe for now. Clark bullies a lot of people on this space station but I feel that he bullies me more. He might hate me because I’m small and get great grades. He is a big jerk.

The next morning I was frustrated. A meteor shower was going on and they were hitting the stations shield. It was rumbling like armageddon. While I tried to eat my Cheerioats without them spilling I sparked an idea. There were no cameras on the space station because it was thought they weren’t needed. I needed proof that Clark was bullying me so I needed footage of it. I had to get a small camera that I hook to my glasses. My friends Joey and Kyle loaned me money to order the glasses camera. I would act like I was fiddling with my glasses around Clark and actually press the recording button. I would get footage and show principle Dobert.

The camera came in the mail. I tested it out on my cat and recorded her. She started attacking my foot because she needed food. They worked great so I ate and fed my cat then I walked out the door. I was on vacation this was a perfect time to roam around wasting time until Clark would find me. I was eating my lunch and he found me.

“Hey Bozo would you like a knuckle sandwich with those chips?”
“The principal said they weren’t allowed or you would get expelled and sent back to mars.”

I started recording.


He punched me in the stomach. I thought a bunker buster missile had just hit me. It hurt, BAD.

“Hope you liked it stupid.”

He started smirking and laughing walking away from me. I stopped the recording and the other kids around would not say anything… but I would! That punch was worth it.
I went to the principal’s office and showed him the recording. He believed me and I also told him about the other kids who have been bullied by him. He called Clark to his office and expelled him right in front of my eyes. I tried not to yell hooray or laugh.

My friends were grateful and even people I didn’t know thanked me. Everybody was glad Clark was gone. I was happy with myself for thinking of a way to get rid of Clark without punching. I was just like Iron Man in the Avengers how he took a risk to get rid of the nuke.

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