Two Girls Create the Smile | Teen Ink

Two Girls Create the Smile

August 2, 2014
By Anonymous

The glowing embers of dusk hide the silhouettes of two young girls. They are breathlessly running into the depths of the forest. It swallows them, whole, before spitting their bodies into a new world. This world, upon entry, takes them aback, with its overwhelming brightness. Never have they witnessed such a sight, because light disappeared for a long while.
There is reason for light’s untimely vacation. The sun is one girl’s dead father, who refused to light the world, until his daughter was genuinely happy. The moon is the other girl’s dead mother, who suffered a paining death at the time of her birth.
The sky rejoices to see that the two have one another. The girls experience a feeling previously unknown to them; it is one of exhilaration and freedom. So the sun, too, has permission to come out of its nonexistent state and splash color over their new world. The harmony of the vast expanses of crisp, blue sky and vibrant green grass are not to be walked on or looked at. For fear that such actions will disrupt their beauty. The flowers that spring from the ground have an entrancing, carefree sunshine fragrance, which is unable to be replicated.
It did not occur to the girls that this world was created by their friendship. Each girl holds the key, in the twinkle of her eyes. One has a twinkle in her right eye, and the other in her left. The stars have chosen them and bestowed the girls with their twinkle. Without the other, the girls become powerless. Together, however, they have the capacity to create anything.

As a few days go by, the two realize something is missing. Their experience cannot become one of the forgotten many. This in itself compels them to make a lasting memory. After much thought is poured into preserving their memory, the sun and moon discover the answer. It is whispered from the sky.

“Soar my small earthlings

Do not be stopped in your tracks

Create something new…

Something known to you
Something words cannot convey

Sense it in your souls”

With these words and the twinkle in their eyes, the girls are destined for greatness. As if on cue, they turn toward each other, mouths turned up and teeth revealed. This is it. The connection amongst all, the moment the smile is born. This moment has such an effect, that the entire world feels its sincerity. A simple smile is able to tell a story that words cannot.

Alit with broad smiles, the girls, hands clutched, begin their journey home. Floating gently up toward the heavens, to once again be reunited with their parents.
Centuries and centuries go by and still the smile stays. It does everything the two young girls could have ever hoped for. Everyone recognizes and appreciates its presence. It instantly brings happiness to the giver and receiver, which everyone can benefit from. All credit goes to the ones that will go down in history as the two girls, who created the smile.

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