Trapped in the Prison | Teen Ink

Trapped in the Prison

June 11, 2014
By Anonymous

The noises of metal clinking filled the halls of the dark prison; there was a sudden creek as a metal door opened slowly. A figure dimmed lightly by the light he was holding entered the hall; noises of panic came from the cells and cages hanging from the ceiling as he passed by them. He approached the last door, a solid metal door. He reached for the locks which were freezing to the touch, as he unlocked each lock something began to move inside the room behind it. He opened the door slowly and lit a torch on the wall with his. The small room illuminated showing a single figure standing with his wrists attached to chains on the wall. In the room there was an empty cracked bowl as well as a crude hay bed in the corner of the room next to a bucket. When the victim saw his captor he began to shake slightly making the chains raddle, “You have a simple way to gain freedom,” the figure said to the prisoner, “Admit to your crimes of treason and you will be let out of here.” There was a small silence before the prisoner said weakly “I…I... I haven’t done anything!” his voice soon turned into a yell “You are being lied to! I am but a farmer!” before he could continue he was hit by the figure’s torch which burned some of his hair and his skin. The warden now having the prisoners attention began to spoke “You know the punishment for treason?” he continued “You rot in here forever; your bones will be among those who are in this room.” The warden look at the prisoner then threw the torch at the hay pile on the ground around the prisoner’s feet. There were screams of agony as the warden closed the door containing the fiery blaze. Heat radiated from the door making a fog appear. The original metal door began closing slowly making the same noises it did before shutting.

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