The Grim Reaper's Slumber | Teen Ink

The Grim Reaper's Slumber

June 16, 2014
By Anonymous

Once upon a time, three baby girls were born in an abandon barn near the dirt roads. Their mother passed away from giving birth to her last baby girl, so there was no one with the three girls. During that following night a black smoke circled around the barn. At the door appeared the Grim Reaper in a black hood. The Grim Reapers red eyes glowed in the dark, staring at the three girls that lay beside their mother’s leg. The Grim Reaper used his powers to rise up the girls from the ground and laid them down on stacks of hay.
The Reaper spoke to the girls even though they could not understand a word he was saying. He said, “Let you three hold my powers until my slumber ends in two decades, once my powers return to me I will take your souls away.” He cut his palm with his sharp black nail and dripped his blood on the first baby girl’s chest. “This is the power of telekinesis”, he said. Then he went to the second baby girl and rubbed blood on her forehead. “This is the power to collect souls from every human that passes away”, he said. Finally, he went to the third baby but he was not able to give the girl any powers. A man that heard the baby’s cries interrupted the Grim Reaper.

The man went into the abandon barn and saw the dead mother in the corner. He covered her pale face with her blue scarf. He picked up the three baby girls and put them in the carriage. When they arrived home the wife looked at the girls and was curious about the two girls. When she looked deeply into their eyes they glowed red. The wife was afraid and warned her husband about the girls, but he did not believe her. The man made arrangements to bury the girl’s mother and he decided to raise the girls as his daughters.
For fourteen years the girls have been abnormal, the powerless girl began to notice how different her two sisters were. The wife always favorites the third girl, which made the other two sisters have rage and they killed the wife. After the funeral, the husband finally figured out that the two girls were not good. All the blames of the burning houses and dead animals that the girls caused, he wanted to get rid of the girls so he planned to kill the girls.
Therefore, he commands the two girls to follow him to the woods and fire two bullets. That night those two girls came back to life and killed the man. The third girl ran away, she cut through the woods and ran a mile from home. She headed towards the abandon barn that she was born in. She sat in the same spot where she was before, next to a dusty lantern. She began to feel scared and lost in the barn, but every innocent person is never alone.
An old man showed up from behind the hay, he walk over to the girl with a hunchback and in a black coat. The third girl got back on her feet and wiped her tears that ran down her face. The old man said, “My child your siblings stole my powers; my greatest power cannot return to me.” I would get them back to myself but I am too old and too weak, you must give them back to me. “How did they steal your powers?” She asked. I cannot remember, losing my powers caused me to lose my state of mind and my strength. How do I get them back? She asked. You must end your sister’s lives by plunging this dagger into their hearts; once they die, they will come back mortally.
Therefore, the third girl took the dagger and headed home, when she returned her sisters were sleeping peacefully. The girl stabbed her two sisters in the heart with the dagger, the two sisters died but they did not come back in mortal. They never came back at all. So she waited for two hours but they did not return, the old man appeared outside the door of the house. The girl went outside with concern and anger. My sisters did not return like you said. “You lied to me”, she cried. “I know I lied, “ he said. “But why, I trusted you?” She asked. Because I am not who you think I am he said. He stood up straight, took off his face, took off his black coat, and transform into a Grim Reaper. The third girl now sees whom she was dealing with. It was too late for her to run and to hide. He snatched her soul away from her body and left her shell on the ground. Then the Reaper went off to find new lives to carry his powers so he can complete his slumber.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 28 2014 at 4:11 pm
alonnasmith BRONZE, Belleville, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
I like the ending