The Ugly Girl | Teen Ink

The Ugly Girl

May 27, 2014
By Tyra Lechner BRONZE, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Tyra Lechner BRONZE, Albuquerque, New Mexico
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I stood there, looking out at the horizon, trying to force my eyes to see further. The waves lapped hungrily at my feet and I sighed slightly. My thoughts still lingered on her beautiful face. Those chocolate brown eyes, and that perfect smile that made my heart melt. The way she could always make me feel good about myself and make the world seem like a better place. The memories turned bittersweet as I remembered his arm around her small waist. The way she smiled against his lips. The way she looked at him with such admiration. The way she never did with me.

I picked up a large seashell and chucked it as far as I could. It spiraled in the air and landed in the churning ocean. Then apiercing scream broke the near silence. I looked around frantically. It was a girl. A girl had screamed. But the beach was desolate and lonely. I looked back at the ocean and took a deep breath.

Then I saw her.

A tangle of blonde hair covered her face as she staggered out of the waves, tumbling as waves engulfed her small frame. I rushed up to her and grabbed her by the shoulders. Her skin was ice cold and pain ran up my arms as I touched her. I yanked back for a moment but then grabbed her arm and dragged her back to the shore. She fell as I released her and looked down at the sand.

"Jesus Christ, are you alright?" I asked, hysteria lacing my voice.

She coughed and Then turned her head up torwards me. I knelt beside her and slowly pushed her long blonde hair out of her face. She was beautiful. But not a beautiful that made you want to kiss her, or win her affections. That frigthening beauty that made my heart skip a beat. My anziety rose.

Her cheeksbones were sharp and prominent, as were the rest of her features. Large blue eyes, and high, arched brows. She looked very delicate but very frightening all the while. And her smile filled me with terror. Instead of a neat 32, she had maybe fifty or sixty sharper, jagged teeth and she immediately became ugly in my eyes.

"You smell wonderful." She murmured with a smile.

I'd never been more terrified in my life.

"I promise you, I'll rid you of all of your fears." She stroked the side of my face and I was hypnotized by her baby doll voice.

"W-What are you gonna do?" I stammered, my vision began to blur and my anixety kept climbing.

She leaned in closely and I could feel her warm breath on my cheek. "This is the last time you will ever be scared."

I felt a searing pain on the side of my face, as if dozens of knives were being stabbed into me.

Then there was nothing.

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