The Dolls | Teen Ink

The Dolls

April 18, 2014
By Paige9612 SILVER, Spring City, Tennessee
Paige9612 SILVER, Spring City, Tennessee
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As Princess Annabeth crept slowly into the woods, she had to be very quiet as to not awake anyone in the castle. Her parents had always said that the outside world was a dark and scary place, but Annabeth never believed them, so she decided it was her time to see the world and decide for herself what it was like.

She was deep into the woods when she heard the sweet voice of a woman singing. At first Annabeth was frightened by the sound of an unknown person, but now it was like she was being drawn to the voice. As she grew closer, she began to see a ratty old cottage. Then she was the most beautiful, yet old looking, woman she had ever seen.

"Well hello there child," the strange woman said.

"Who are you?" Annabeth questioned.

"I'm Auntie Em! Why don't you come in and sit down? It's getting quite silly outside." The woman motioned towards the cottage.

"Well, okay," Annabeth hesitantly said.

The woman led Annabeth inside and told her to make herself comfortable while she put on some tea.

When Auntie Em was done, she sat directly in front of the young girl. She stared at Annabeth in a way that made her feel uncomfortable.

"You are very beautiful, my dear," Auntie Em said, not taking her eyes off her.

"Thank you," Annabeth said politely.

The woman was about to say something when the teapot started to whistle. While she got up to get their tea, Annabeth glanced around the cottage. On the left side of the room was two shelfs of shiny glass dolls, each with eyes that follow you around the room.

"That's weird," Annabeth thought.

"Relax, my dear," Auntie Em said as she walked into the room with their tea.

"Where did you get those dolls?" Annabeth asked.

"I made them myself. They are all very unique." The woman smiled.

Annabeth slowly sipped her tea and with each sip, she seemed to grow more and more tired, while Auntie Em seemed to look more and more younger.

Annabeth was now fighting to keep her eyes open. She looked around for the strange woman but didn't see her. Annabeth dropped her empty tea cup and began to get up from her seat.

"Turn around, my dear. You are mine now," the woman's voice said with a chuckle.

Annabeth turned around to see herself in the mirror then gasped and fell to the floor, dead.

Auntie Em began to sing as she dragged the once beautiful princess into the fireplace and shut the door.

The woman spun around to admire her new beauty in the mirror.

"It feels so good to be young again," Auntie Em said to herself.


The woman walked over to the fireplace and opened the door. She pulled out a shiny glass doll. Carefully, Auntie Em brought the doll to the shelves and placed it next to the other fifteen dolls.

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