Don, The Infamous Space Pirate | Teen Ink

Don, The Infamous Space Pirate

March 10, 2014
By HodgeGuy07 BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
HodgeGuy07 BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

??“The year 3016. A year of prosperity the wise ones once said. Wrong! They were all so wrong! If only they could see the poverty that overcame the universe! But I killed them and took all of their riches. So that's out of the question.” Don says.
??“Um who are you talking to?” Don’s first mate Sarah asks.
“Anyone who is listening to me! I’m giving a heart wrenching speech!” Don replies.
“Heart wrenching? Sure! More like comedic.” Sarah states, angering Captain Don. “Oh! And you left the part out where you got arrested And the Galactic senate took all the jewels you stole.”
“Ill just steal them back ya know!” Don replies sounding annoyed.
“Sure ya will” Sarah says and shoots Don a wink.
Its been about 7 years since the crew has been banned from earth. The ship and everything on it, except for the crew, was stolen. The Earth Vanguards found out about this and sentenced them to banishment. So they have made their home on a small moon called Klaptaar. It only takes them about an hour to get to the milky way from there. That is if their supersonic hyper drive chip is still working.
“You know what we need?” Don says.
“More Money?” Rick replies. He’s the engineer of the space ship.
“Good idea Rick!” Don says. “ But wrong answer. We need a new supersonic hyper drive chip here real soon.”
Sarah exclaims “WE ALREADY HAVE ONE!! Why waist your time on something we already have?!”
“That old rotting nano chip? HA! We could feed that to the Dag-Dar On the planet Ketryksuu for all I care. The point is we need a new one before the old gross one goes out.” Don says
“Fine. But! If you run into any trouble at the trade station near here, then I’m not helping you” Sarah boldly states
“Sure ya will” Don says, smiling at Sarah “Now won’t ya?”
“ Yeah probably...” Sarah disappointingly states.
“Atta Girl!” Don announces “Ill right!! Me, Rick, and Sarah Are going to the trade station to steal a supersonic hyper drive! Anyone else wanna come?”
No one else wants to go so the trio suit up and head to the trade station. On their way down their, Sarah mentions to Don about the risk of being caught again.
“Don’t you think with your reputation, people will be weary of you presence?” Sarah asks Don
“Naw we’ll be fine! I’m sure of it!” Don replies, giving Sarah a huge grin and a soft smack on the back.
“Well, okay. But!” Sarah was interrupted before she could finish.
Rick says “Woa! There it is! The trade station! Full of crime and police!”
After stating that, Rick looks over at Don and sees his expression. A mix of worry but yet also a mix of confidence. Maybe a bit too much confidence? As they finally step foot onto the trade station, they try to remain out of sight from any police that are lurking around there.
“Are you guys ready to get this done?” Don asks
Sarah and Rick replies with a nervous “yeah” as they head to the ship parts section.
“Okay here's the plan.” Don discusses the plan with the other two, trying to remain at a whisper so others won’t hear him.
“Wow! For once Don, your plan just might work!” Rick teasingly says.
Don lets off a quite and seemingly annoyed chuckle.
“Okay!” Don says “ Sarah, You get into position, Rick come with me.”
Sarah is the distraction. While she is talking to the owner about the right type of blasters to have on a class C fighter ship, Don will pocket the supersonic hyper drive chip, while Rick shields Dons actions from anyone peeking their eyes towards him.
“ Okay Sarah. Go ahead” Don says.
Sarah heads over and starts to converse to the shop owner about the blasters. Don and Rick head over to the other side of the store front to pocket the chip. Don successfully does it and signals to Sarah to end the conversation and head back to their ship. As they start head back, Sarah tells Don that they have the wrong type of blasters on their ship.
“Sarah! I don’t care at the moment! Whit this chip, we can steal the blaster we need any where in the galaxy. And beyond that! Or at least that's what the label say.”
They all laugh and enjoy themselves as they head back to the ship successfully and proudly.

The author's comments:
I really like this piece because I love space and pirates. Things like that.

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