Rupert Tussle | Teen Ink

Rupert Tussle

January 21, 2014
By Lucas Gravatt BRONZE, Viroqua, Wisconsin
Lucas Gravatt BRONZE, Viroqua, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

An explosion of colours glowed in the sky. Deep pinks and purples swirled together into a warm orange. The grass was swaying lightly back and forth in the gentle breeze. The air smelled of sweet polin and soon fireflies would be seen every now and then glowing here and there. There wasn’t anyone for miles in all directions and that is just how Rupert liked it.
He sat by his motorcycle looking right into the sunset. This is the way he chose to spend his friday afternoons, his way of escaping the expected conformity of the people he was surrounded with most days. In short, he enjoyed his alone time.
He sat on a hill that was a very steep climb but it was always worth it once he finally reached the top. Him and his sister used to race to the top but she hadn’t joined him up there for awhile. She had began to make friends of her own and didn’t depend on his company like she used to. He would never admit it but he missed his little sister terribly. Her absence on that quiet hill was the reason there were drying tears on his torn jeans.
He carefully moved a lock of hair away from his left eye to get the perfect last look at the sky that was on fire, then he started up his motorcycle and took off fast down the gravel road.
The wind was racing past him, tugging on his shirt and long brown hair, he couldn’t help but smile from the rush it gave him to speed down the empty road just as fast as he could without crashing. He came around the corner and saw the sun burning red. Almost touching the horizon. He had never seen it so red, it almost looked as if it could be a stop sign. He became transfixed on the growing orb, it hurt his eyes but it was so bittersweet; he had to keep gazing at the radiant light.
He neared the top of the hill feeling more alive and energized than he ever had, closing his eyes, he smiled and felt as though he had hit the peak of happiness and energy that could be experienced by a young man.
As he opened his eyes he saw the front of a car coming right at him, and everything went into slow motion. The front of the motorcycle collided with the silver hood of the car and he was airborne and the sun looked as though it was saying, “I told you.” The ground came into view and before he had time to think, everything went black.
The Ambulance hurried back towards town, twisting around the roads devious twists and turns. Ruperts limp body was held still in the back, his head moving ever so slightly as the ambulance rocked.
Rupert realized he was looking down at his body. First he panicked, He couldn’t feel his body. He could only observe, he couldn’t close his eyes or change his view. His gaze was held at his body against his will. He wanted desperately to float away, go to a happier place.
Time seemed to jump and he found himself staring at a pale body on a hospital bed, which he knew was his own. He willed himself to take some sort of human form and found he began to sprout transparent limbs. Slowly he turned into the form he knew as himself. He wore no clothing but he did not care, no one could see him. He leaned over his beaten body and examined his injuries.

He was too pale to recognize himself, his face was swollen and his lips looked a sad shade of purple. Both his arms were broken and one of his legs had a giant cast on it. There was an iv sticking out of his left arm and his heartbeat was being monitored.
He heard urgent footsteps and turned to see his sister. The closer she got to his bed the slower she moved, until she came to a stop about 7 feet away from where his body was lying. She shuddered and then her knees gave way. She hit the floor and started sobbing. Rupert tried to walk towards her, but found that when he tried to move his body began to deteriorate, so he stayed in place and watched her. Wishing he could just tell her he was more or less okay.
He found he could close his eyes and he did so until everything was still. His sisters sobbs faded away, the sound of his heart monitors beeps finally subsided. everything was completely still.

He stayed like this for minutes, hours, days… He didn’t know, and he didn’t care. He had all the time in the world, maybe more. While he was in this state he thought a lot. Is there a heaven? is there a hell? Where am ? What am I? The one question that haunted him more than any other was constantly flying through his consciousness. Will I still exist when my body finally fails? Or do I just fade away?...

The sound of his heart monitor filled his ears. The beat sounded irregular and then
a horrible sound echoed all around him. He was flatlining. beeeeeeeeeeeeeeep…
He felt as though his insides were being sucked out, he felt himself falling. He opened his eyes and saw he was still surrounded in blackness. He clawed desperately around for anything, but he just kept falling. And then nothing. No thought, No feeling, no sound, no smell. Nothing.
Then, the urge to shoot up, through the darkness, into the light. For a day and a half, the struggle to reach the surface seemed to be all that existed. Finally shooting out of the dirt and into the warm sun, the daisy began to bloom and basked in the light for the first time once more.

The author's comments:
A short story about what death may be like.

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