The Girl with Wings | Teen Ink

The Girl with Wings

December 17, 2013
By Anonymous

A girl is walking home after being at a friends house. She wanted to call a cab but she didn't have enough money with her to get her home. She knows she shouldn't be walking around alone in the city at night. She keeps looking around as if she thinks someone is following her. Then she hears footsteps. She looks behind her and in the light of a street lamp, she sees it. She then runs down the sidewalk, terrified. How did it find me? How did it find me in such a big city? She hears its pounding footsteps as it runs after her. She is more than half a mile away from home and the thing is faster and has more stamina than her. She is going to have to do the thing that she promised herself she would never do again. She takes off her jacket and spreads her wings
She beats her wings slowly at first to help her gain speed, then pushes off from the ground. Even though she promised herself she would never do this again, she can't help but enjoy the feeling of the wind in her hair and wing feather. She knows that it won't be able to follow her up here. Just then a thought hits her. If it knows where I am, then Jack knows where I am. He might send Jack to get me. All she knows is that she can not be caught.

The author's comments:
This is just a short story that I wrote for fun.

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