Never give up | Teen Ink

Never give up

December 15, 2013
By Aaron Basta BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
Aaron Basta BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“A lot of people don’t realize the importance of artificial intelligence.” This was said as Dr. Jones started his speech. The year 2027 and it had just begun and this year he wanted to start off on a good note. His entire family had showed up. Most out of force except his nephew Stacy, she had always supported everything he had done. But all the pressure of all his previous failures built up inside of him. Thus during his presentation there were frequent stutters and short pauses. Even though Dr. Jones was an absolute genius, he seemed to just have failure after failure. This year he thought it would be different. He had the best artificial intelligence project yet. This creation should be a self operating, multi purposeful, cleaning robot. If this machine worked it would change the world. People always thought about artificial intelligence and how it was a dream. But this dream he thought he could make come true.
It was now three days later and he had made various tweaks to make his robot better. As he built his robot better he thought how much time he had spent on this robot and how much it ment to him. As the finishing point drew nearer he got to the breaking point. That night he sat down with his immediate family and talked. The show case was tomorrow. He had a 12 year old boy named Caleb and a 9 year old girl named Lisa. The next day came it was time to show case his robot. Everyone seemed to come this small town to see this finished product. It was now time, he ripped the red velvet cover off the robot. There was oo’s and aw’s from the crowd. The robot automatically turned on if human. Steven calmed a little bit. He then threw a banana milk shake on the ground. Siven the robots name then moved swiftly towards the mess and easily handled the job. It was spotless clean in only 19 sec. He had a standing ovation and was awarded countless sponsorships. He ran into the crowd and hugged his family. He then again thought of all the hard work he put in then smiled.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to do this because i want to get my work out to places other than school.

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