Scrulphs: The Hidden War Part 1 | Teen Ink

Scrulphs: The Hidden War Part 1

October 28, 2013
By PBullock BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
PBullock BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments


The year is 2034. I’ve been fighting in this war for ten years. The aliens nicknamed Scrulphs have been attacking since 2028. I know this has to be hard for you to understand so I’ll start from the beginning.

It all started when Russia and china joined forces in attempt to take over the world, starting World War 3. Technology has advanced with new inventions like lasers, teleportation devices, and a new type of nuclear bomb strong enough to make an explosion the size of Colorado.

I’ve been in this war since the beginning and as a general I can say with confidence that no one saw it coming when the aliens nicknamed Scrulphs attacked. Four years of war now meant nothing because we are fighting a new war. The war for earth.


I wake to the sound of gunshots, which isn’t normal. I walk outside to see a private shoot a soldier, who fell and joined the other soldiers laying face down. He turned to me and pointed his gun at me. I reached for my gun that is in my holster (I always sleep with my gun) as I hear a gun go of. Then he falls to the floor and I see Jeremy, Jeremy is my best friend. We went to school together, our families grew up together, and we joined the army together.

I do a head count and see there is one extra soldier. I look at the soldier and I see something on his wrist. I pull it off and he turns into a scrulph.

I told the pentagon and they teleported us there, where we were greeted by Jesse Lucian, the 49th president.

“Hello, men. I know you just got back from war but I have a mission for you. You’re going to us cloaking devices like the one the aliens use to go undercover as an alien to the mothership. You will place teleporter pads in the mothership. Then we will teleport a nuclear bomb to the mothership. You will put in how much time you think you will need. Then get out the same way you will get in using a teleporter installed in a government combat truck.”

Jeremy and I both left families to go to the military. Jeremy has his daughter Sonya; his wife died from cancer. I have a daughter and a wife, Aaliyah and Alicia.


Me and Jeremy, army of two. Going across the country killing aliens on a daily basis. It was like a road trip from Washington DC to Topeka, Kansas. That’s where our families are. Jeremy and me decide to surprise our families. Then we would complete the mission.

As we drove into town, guns humming, waiting for an alien to pop up we heard a teleporter come from behind a wall. We plowed through the wall to see a group of aliens flash away in a teleporter. Mission Complete. The aliens retreated so we go to see our family. Jeremy and me walked into the bunker where our families were and instantly there were four arms wrapped around me. It felt great to see them again but it wasn’t over.


“Jeremy do you think we still need to go to the mothership,”

“No, they left. We won”

“But, I feel that it’s not over…”

BANG! Jeremy and me ran outside to see another bomb drop on the town. It was not over.

“Jeremy, you go through with the plan. I’ll protect the city.”

Then we drove to city hall as Jeremy used the combat truck’s teleport. I turned on the auto-defenses and went into town with enough weapons for Jeremy and I. I was fighting for 10 minutes when I saw an explosion in the sky, then the truck blew up, and Jeremy flew out. I carried Jeremy into the bunker then killed the rest of the aliens.


I retire. I saved the world. Now at least I can get a peaceful life with my family and friends. About a month into my peaceful life, I heard a gunshot come from Sonya’s room. I ran in and saw Sonya, Alicia, and Aaliyah dead. I punched Jeremy who was standing next to their bodies. Jeremy got up and pulled a cloaking device off his daughter’s wrist and there it was, a Scrulph. This war isn’t over; it has just begun.

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