The Era of Water | Teen Ink

The Era of Water

June 27, 2013
By Anonymous

In northern Iceland, 2318, there is a boy named Abe Lincoln, who was named that because his family has the same last name. Abe is ten years-old. Abe’s mother is worried about Abe because she sees weird things happening to Abe. Last year, Abe was found talking to himself. Another time, his mother saw him moving objects without touching them. There have been many times Abe has been caught in weird acts. Nobody knows this but Abe is “special.” He has the power to see the things we can not see in this world. Abe keeps this a secret from everybody. His mother is under enough stress when Abe’s Father is helping people in North America when the ocean is attacking, and sinking the land. The Ocean has sank three continents all ready: Asia, Africa, and Antarctica, but that’s not the story. The story begins on the docks at sunset.

Abe was watching the fishermen fishing. There was no ice when the ocean came alive, just warm water. “There’s just no fish when this ocean is alive!” the fisherman said. “All we get is trash.” Abe noticed something in the water. It wasn’t trash, it wasn’t even solid, nor liquid. Abe said to the fisherman, “Can you get that for me sir?” There was a long pause. The thing in the water seemed to glow when he talked. “Kid, its just the light shining into the water...,” the fisherman said. “Well, I’m going home for the night. Do you want a ride kid?” Abe responded “No, I can walk home.” Once the fisherman’s truck went out of sight, Abe reached
into the water and tried to grab the...thing in the water. It just slipped through his fingers. It definitely wasn’t the light in the water. It was freezing, it was the coldest thing he has ever felt. It felt more dense than the water. Was it alive? Maybe it was something that could activate by a voice. Abe looked around to nobody could see him talking to himself. “...Hello?....Are you there?” Brighter, and brighter it got. “Activate.......” It was now swirling in the water like a fish. It glowed as bright as a light bulb. The water was making a bubbling sound now as it moved.
Now Abe made a big mistake by trying to grab it, so it pulled him under the water, not too deep. Abe thought about ten feet. The light swirled around him, pressuring him. He felt like he was wrapped in a blanket, getting tighter, and tighter. Finally it stopped. Abe was now out of breath. He started swimming up. Darker the world seemed. He got dizzy. He thought he’d never make it, but he did. Right then, the light came out of the water. It looked like a fat sick figure, made of mist. More detail came to it. It grew a face, some fingers, toes, and clothes. Abe knew what it was. He knew exactly what it was. It was an ocean spirit.
The first words sounded like a different language, or English backwards. Then Abe noticed his throat wasn’t done reforming. “ name is Logan...” Abe was shocked. Abe tried to say hi, but it came out like “h-h-wi.” The spirit looked like fourteen or maybe thirteen. Then the spirit did the weirdest thing, it placed his hand out with nothing in it. Maybe it was a 21st century thing. “The currents have brought me all the way from Minnesota, and yes, we do have summer!” Abe thought Minnesota was always winter, and all farms, Abe could’ve been wrong.
The spirit spoke again, “I’m here because of you, I - we need you. We as in the ocean spirits. A child west of here has gotten possessed by an evil spirit, the spirit’s name is Aryha (AH-rie-ha). He wants to cut the world in half, using the ocean. I don’t know any spirits who can control the ocean. Can you PLEASE help me to destroy this spirit!” Abe was either dizzy from almost drowning, or that he is actually talking to a ghost. The spirit quickly said, “I’m a spirit not a ghost!” Abe wondered how he could read his mind. Abe decided something and said “Sure...IF, you stop reading my mind.” Right Logan said, “ Let's hurry now! Jump into the water, it’s the quickest way to get there.”
Abe just followed him into the water. The spirit said something weird, then they dissolved into the water. It felt crazy, Abe couldn’t describe it. In the blink of an eye, Abe was at the shore of... Greenland? It was snowing so hard that you couldn’t see ten feet in front of you. “Where...are..........we?” Abe yelled. Logan replied, “Greenland!” The land was empty, and covered in snow, the snow was up to Abe’s shins. In the distance, Abe could see a light. It Came from an old looking cabin.
Next thing Abe knew he was in the cabin. He saw a five-year old looking kid with glowing eyes. His eyes were really glowing! The kid was just staring at Abe. Abe got creeped out and said “What’s your problem?” The kid seemed to be mad now. Then the scariest thing happened, he made the loudest sound ever. It was like a mix of a scream and and an angry yell. Logan did something Abe thought was really cool, he threw this orb of light at the kid. The orb just got absorbed by him and the orb was water and he was the sponge. Finally, the possessed kid said something, “I am Aryha. I’m not trying to kill anybody,” Abe was confused about this strong deep voice inside of a five year old boy. “The world does seem to be unbalanced between good and evil, so one day I had the thought I could cut the world in half, ...and I will NOT fail.”

* * *

Tied in rope was annoying. Abe couldn’t stand it. It was too itchy and tight, he felt like he was going to pop like a water balloon. Something seemed really familiar about this boy, or spirit? Had he met before? Logan was trapped in a jar that looked like something you’d put that colored sand in. Aryha got cut from his knife when trying to cut open a package. “Screw you human body! at least we spirits don’t feel pain! I will now leave this mortal body.” Aryha left the body, and the body dropped down as if he was dead. Was he? A light left his body, and it floated up in the air. “ What’s that?” Abe asked. “It’s the boy’s stupid Spirit.” Aryha pulled out something from the package. It was labeled The World Cutter 3000 Collector’s Edition. How many of those people use these days, Abe thought. “In order to do this, you must be in space.... stupid instructions. I guess you want to see your world get cut in half?” The power of a spirit feels weird. Abe was getting lifted by a spirit...into space.

Abe’s first thoughts about space was, “YOU CAN BREATHE!” Or was that the magic? Another thought of Abe’s was BLACK HOLE! There was a black hole behind Aryha. He did not seem to notice. Abe had a plan. Abe quickly pushed Aryha into the black hole behind him. Slowly Aryha was dissolving in the dark black hole with so much pain. “I will come again in a different dimension! CURSE YOU ABE!” He struggled, and tried to get out. It was like mixing food coloring with water. After two minutes he was fully gone.
Suddenly Abe was back on the docks at sunset with the fisherman fishing as if all of it had never happened. Something was new to this. There was no light in the water, but a boy sitting next to him. It was Aryha, or the kid he possessed. It was Logan in his body. “I’ll explain later.” He said. “Do you want a ride home kids?” the fisherman asked. “No, we can walk”, Abe said. As the fisherman drove his truck into the distance, Abe and Logan started to walk home when they saw Aryha appear right in front of them.
How could this happen. Of course it can happen after what happened to Abe in the last thirty minutes, but aryha should be dead. The first thing Abe could do nothing. He quickly reached in his pocket for the blade he found a few days ago.
It was on the beach. It had no rust, which was strange, because nothing can drift on a beach thats metal without rust.
When Abe reached for the blade, it wasn’t the blade, it was The World Cutter 3000 Collectors Edition. How did that get in his pocket? It doesn’t matter now, all that matters is the death of aryha. He took the world cutter thing and it blasted straight at Aryha’s head. Aryha didn’t look too good. Just then he exploded, sending waves everywhere. Aryha is dead. All that was left was a floating orb of darkness. Abe could sense the evilness from that orb.
Before Abe knew it, the water was at his knees. The orb wouldn’t stop giving out water. “We need a raft!” Abe told Logan. Logan gave him a nod. out of nowhere there was a raft. Of course Logan was a water spirit, he can make items from water.

The raft was pulling them out to the expanded sea, where many land has sunk. Iceland and Greenland was gone for good. Abe thought about his mother, was she dead? Was she with Abe’s father? If so Abe was an orphan. Abe felt guilt like a wave pushing him ashore. Was it his fault? He could’ve saved her, But Abe still knew she could’ve been alive. It happened. Abe has entered a new era. The era of water.

To Be Continued...

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