Revenge of the Dragon | Teen Ink

Revenge of the Dragon

May 29, 2013
By Anonymous

The air was still as queen marie walked to an old abandoned castle. There in the darkness is where the king waited for her. She walked in remembering how he injured nyra and how she was on the verge of death. Angry feelings came back to her as she came to halls. Then a shadow darted as one figure rose. It was a green dragon. She then pulled out her sword and pointed it at the mighty beast. But instead of slaying it she jumped up and touched its nuzzle. The green dragon was then calm and gestured to Queen Marie to follow. There in a room where in a seat sat the notorious king on his throne of thorns of black that pointed upward and and that the seat of the throne was smooth. The green dragon approached the king and the king smiled a most evil grin. “What is your status on the Queen’s castle” he asked and after doing so the dragon answered in low growls “Oh hasn’t left yet hugh?” Queen marie felt a little safe... For now. Soon the king arose from his throne and said “You can come now I know you are hiding somewhere.” Chills came down Queen Marie’s back as she slowly turned to find that the king wasn't there. Sweat beat down Queen Marie’s head as she slowly turned again to find the king right in front of her. She screamed and threw herself to the ground. She pulled out her sword and pointed at the king and growled out “DON’T SCARE ME LIKE THAT YOU VILLAIN” “well I meant it didn’t I?” The king held out his hand “I would give myself up if I were you.” “NEVER” “fine then I won’t be easy on you.” The king pointed a finger and the golden dragon appeared. It lowered its head and the king climbed on and it breathed its flames toward the Queen but she avoided the flames and flung her sword and the dragons head and then she gasped... The dragon was a robot! “Well as you can say I knew your love for dragons and the way you can tame them with one touch” said the king “so I went and I trying to control other dragons but I could only get the lower one so I built myself a dragons. I also used all my power on the silver dragon and the bronze dragon but my plans were foiled by you! so....Golden dragon 1 ATTACK!” The machine then came straight to the Queen but she jumped and avoided the attack. She then took her sword and dug it straight into the dragon. Steam burst out as the dragon fell to the ground without movement. The king clenched his fists took a sword and ran to the Queen “YOU DESTROYED MY LATEST CREATION” he said as he threw himself at her in fit and rage. But she jumped kicked him in the back grabbed his sword and took away to a prison room where he belonged and checked on nyra. She very delighted to see her and pounced right on her “Its good to see that you're okay” she said in tears. Nyra had two broken wings, a broken leg, and an almost broken neck. But now she just has a wing injury. It was a happily ever after for our heros and a job well done.

The author's comments:
This shows that nyra is still alive andthe arrest of the evil king

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