Revenge | Teen Ink


May 25, 2013
By LadyJazz BRONZE, Chino Hills, California
LadyJazz BRONZE, Chino Hills, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was 3am when the plan was nearly complete. We had been working for several hours in my warehouse. I was sitting on a large metal bench, staring at the wall, pondering my next move. . . Then, finally I had a brilliant idea. “I believe I have the answer to stop Mr. Silversmith!” My friend Summer, who was sitting across from me, raised her bright red eye brows with bewilderment. “Wow, that was fast. So, what's the plan?” she said sarcastically. “Tomorrow, is Mr. Silversmith's unveiling of his new invention,” I told her. “The only way we can stop him from stealing my parent's inventions, is by making him admit to it!” I said. “You know him Victoria, he will never tell anyone!” pleaded Summer. “He will tell me.” I said ironically.

“Remember the little cameo pins I made a month ago? The ones that we hooked up to small speakerphones and used them to talk to each when we were apart?” I said. “ Yes?” replied Summer, puzzled. “We can use them to broadcast him! I can quickly create a transmitter for them to send a signal to the speakerphones he is going to use for his speech! All it would take is modern gramophone technology, Alexander Graham Bell’s relativity of sound, and a connection to a wireless receiver ” I said. “That's brilliant!” The problem is, how are we going to get it in his mansion?” asked Summer. “No, how are you going to get into his mansion?” I said. “You're going to dress up as a caterer.” I answered...

... It wasn't too hard for Summer to get into his mansion. Most of his guards were asleep at the gate. As we drove up Mr. Silversmith's long and winding driveway, my heart was pounding with anxiety. What if it doesn't work, I thought to myself. When I looked at Summer's face, she looked as white as a ghost. “Do you have the equipment ready?” I asked. “Don't worry, it's ready, I have it in my pocket!” she said. Summer got out of the truck and finally arrived at the front door. She cautiously rang the door bell, DIIIIING DOOONNG!!! The bell was so loud, it could probably be heard through out his giant mansion! She nearly jumped out of her catering costume, when Mr. Silversmith answered the door. The sight of him almost made her pass out. His menacing gray eyes examined her carefully. “You must be from the catering company! Your early. Come in the dining hall, it's this way!” said Mr. Silversmith. He didn't recognize her! She waited until Mr. Silversmith left the room to connect my devices to the speakerphones. After she was done, Summer and I quietly left before Mr. Silversmith could notice.

The dreary dark night fell upon us as we headed to the grand unveiling of the invention. The anxiety of having to face Mr. Silversmith felt like the whole world was resting on my shoulders, pushing me down into a dark inescapable abyss. My stomach turning like someone twisting them in a pair of vice grips. The bright lights and decorations were a foreboding reminder of how Mr. Silversmith has profited from my parents' amazing inventions. As soon as we arrived into the ballroom. Mr. Silversmith had instantly recognized me and pulled me into the backroom where my parents invention was placed for the great unveiling. I doubled checked the cameo and made sure it was turned on. His hatred and arrogance was burning through his eyes as he looked at me. “You little brat, what are you doing here?” he snarled. “Admiring the great invention of my parents,” I retorted. His face turned red with anger and he bore down on me with his dark gray beady eyes. “It's a great invention, one of the best in the world. One of many that I profited from." said Mr. Silversmith. “The only reason you profited from them was because you constantly threaten our lives!” I said. “ Your parents are so weak, they have let me get away with this for years. Their ideas belong to me. I OWN THEM AND I WILL OWN YOU, TOO!” he sneered into my ear, “I know your an inventor, my spies have seen the warehouse, and now your inventions will be mine” he said menacingly. “Don't count on it Alistair!” I said with a big triumphant smile. Just then Summer lifted the curtains to unveil the invention with Mr. Silversmith and I standing on the stage. “LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, WE PRESENT, THE GREAT AND POWERFUL, ALISTAIR SILVERSMITH!” announced Summer to the guest in the ballroom. The trickery and lies from Alistair to the world had the guest in an uproar. They were shouting, throwing food, and destroying everything they could get their hands on. Summer and I looked at the rioting people with satisfaction. My enemy had finally been defeated.

The icy autumn morning sun rose over the city. The tall brick buildings across from me were silhouetted by the first beams of golden sunshine. The weathered street lamps had begun to turn off along the busy cobblestone streets of the city. The sounds of people chatting, laughing, Mr. Silversmith yelling from a police car, and steam cars and motorcycles roaring through the streets echoed for miles. Huge airships flew slowly, high above the city carefully avoiding the clock tower. The scent of fresh flowers and metal from the near by industries filled the air. I realized, as I was on my way home, our lives are finally going to be peaceful.

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