Destined to Change and Save the Universe | Teen Ink

Destined to Change and Save the Universe

May 22, 2013
By twitteraddict BRONZE, Soldotna, Alaska
twitteraddict BRONZE, Soldotna, Alaska
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Can I tell you a little secret? I’ve never told anyone this, but I feel like I need to share it with someone. You strike me as a trustworthy person. I don’t want to deal with disappointment, so please don’t tell anyone. If you do, I will be very hurt.

Oh sorry! I forgot to tell you who I am! That would be helpful wouldn’t it? Well, my name is Kairi. I’m a 17 year old senior, but I turn 18 soon. I don’t want to tell you where I go to school because there are many cruel students who go there. Anyways, this is my secret and how it started.
It started on my home planet Ytilauqe. There were very few of us left on our planet. One day, our planet was attacked by the species from the planet Latnemegduj. It is not in our nature to fight, so I saw many of our kind get brutally killed, including my father Roxas. Me, my mom Namine, and eighteen others managed to quickly board a ship and come here to Earth.

Ever since then, the Latnemegdujians have been hunting all of us down, trying to destroy our species. So far they have killed eight of us. My mom and I have been on the run for ten years. Every time we sense they are close to us, we run. We just recently moved into a little town and I am going to the high school here. So far, it has been peaceful with no signs of Latnemegdujians, but just in case, I maintain a low profile.
One day in first hour, the teacher introduces a new student.
“Class, this is Riku. He just moved here. Say hello and welcome him.”
Suddenly, I realized the only empty seat was next to me.
“Ah, why don’t you sit next to Carrie.”
“Okay.” He sits down next to me.
The rest of the hour goes by extremely slowly. Out of the corner of my eye, I see him staring at me.
“What are you looking at?” I whisper.
“Nothing.” Suddenly, he flashes this amazing smile and I finally get a good look at him. He’s a typical bad boy with the long, black hair, dark brown eyes, and leather jacket.
For some reason, I’m immediately in a daze over him. Keep it cool and maintain a low profile!
He is in all of my other classes and stares at me every second he gets. For some mysterious reason, this excites me.
Suddenly, he comes over to me. “Do you want to hang out after school?”
“I can’t. I’m sorry.”
“That’s a shame. I was really looking forward to it. What about tomorrow at the cafe?”
“Maybe. I’ll ask.”
“Dang. Okay. See you tomorrow then. Bye.”
“Hi honey. How was school?”
“Did anything exciting happen?”
“Not really. Can I go to the cafe tomorrow? I need to work with a group on a school project. ” I didn’t want to tell her about my embarrassing crush yet.
“Okay. Just make sure you are back by dinner.”
“Okay. I will.”
That night, I had a dream. Ever since I left Ytilauqe, I have terrifying dreams and visions. This one included the new student Riku. He was talking to someone, but I couldn’t tell who.
“I’m sorry mom! It was the first day! I thought that would be too soon and would cause too much commotion!”
“I don’t care! Kill Kairi and Namine! That is why I put you in that school!” When the speaker turns around, I can tell it is Larxene, the leader of the Latnemegdujians.
I couldn’t even look at him the next day. After school, he walked towards me.
“You ready?”
“I guess so.”
Once we were there, he told me to pick a spot. I picked a more private spot towards the back of the cafe.
“Why do you want to kill me?”
“I said why do you want to kill me?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Don’t play dumb with me. I know you are a Latnemegdujian. So how do you plan to kill me?”
“Okay! I’m a Latnemegdujian! Yes, my mom is the leader. Yes, I was ordered to kill you and your mother, but after I saw you yesterday, I couldn’t do it.”
“How do I know you’re not lying?”
“Just watch me.”
“Okay, but if you try anything you will regret it.”
“Well, I better head back now. Bye.”
I got home still wondering about his cryptic answer.
“How did the project go?”
The next day, I saw a girl getting bullied by four other girls. I stared at them until I heard a voice behind me.
“Hi.” As I said this, one of the girls punched the other girl and started pulling her hair.
“Hey!” I shout. I ran over to the scene right in between both girls right when the first girl threw another punch. They started calling the other girl names like nerd.
“Yeah, I bet you are a nerd!”
“You told me you would prove it! So far you’ve done a crappy job.”
“I’m sorry! I’ll do better! I just need some practice! Now let’s take care of that.” He points to my face where the punch hit.
“Okay. That’s a good idea.”
The next week, fights broke out every single day. Riku kept promising me he will change. So far nothing has happened. I keep getting hurt because of my natural response to sustain peace. Then when I get home, I have to explain the scars to my mom.
Finally, one day, I saw another fight between two girls. One girl was calling the other girl hurtful names and started getting aggressive with her. Then she punched her. I got in between them before the second punch and not surprisingly got punched instead. The first girl was still insulting the other after she threw both punches.
“Are you okay?” Riku rushes over to me.
“Yes. I’m fine.”
The next thing he does shocks me. He walks toward the scene, holds his hand out to the girl victimized by the bullying, and helps her up. I couldn’t believe my eyes as he walks her towards me.
“Thank you. Both of you.” She then disappears into the crowd in the hallway.
“See? I told you!” Then he grabs me and kisses me.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Sep. 4 2013 at 10:16 pm
twitteraddict BRONZE, Soldotna, Alaska
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
Thank you ;)

on May. 25 2013 at 6:36 pm
nautiicaled BRONZE, Elk Grove, California
1 article 0 photos 28 comments
Wow very interesting :)