Classic Story Nightmare | Teen Ink

Classic Story Nightmare

April 24, 2013
By Anonymous

I was running. It was after me. What exactly, I don’t know. Its howl was growing louder and louder. I ran, in a car, and then came up on a steep hill and kept going. Higher and higher I got. I was going top speed, I made a right turn and unexpectedly there was a cliff. Then I was falling. Down a rabbit hole past the queen of hearts, the mad hatter, the white queen… what? But it was she. Then I landed in a clump of soft white powdery… snow. Now I was up and running again, to the lamppost then past the white stag with four kings and queens behind it. Out into the open. Gunshots! Suddenly, a pain shot through my shoulder. The blood was swirling around circling, changing, becoming solid… turning brown… When I looked up I saw a door. Hurriedly I rushed toward it. Suddenly I was sitting on the boardwalk with carnival music blaring in my ear. Everything was so normal and serene I almost believed I had imagined the whole Narnia fight scene. But no, I heard guns. Someone tapped me on my shoulder; I turned and someone kept pushing me, spinning me like a top. I spun faster, faster, faster, spinning, dizzy, whirling, SILENCE! When I opened my eyes it was eerily quiet… I was in my house. I looked out the window. Rain was coming down in sheets and gusts of wind. A bell rang in the distance and I was at a funeral. This was no ordinary funeral. This funeral was for me. Then I saw the bus and the statues. They were coming fast toward us, not slowing down… As it hit me I saw a lion in the front seat driving; a carnival bus. As I fell I clicked my heels and found myself… in New York City. Then a hole opened up below me and was falling again through the hole. Falling… falling… falling…

The author's comments:
this was an assignment for school to write a nightmare after reading Franz Kafka's A Country Doctor. I don't know about you guys, I'd be pretty freaked out if I actually dreamed about this...

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This article has 2 comments.

on Apr. 30 2013 at 7:48 pm
smithmas PLATINUM, Felton, California
20 articles 0 photos 6 comments

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sing like there's no one listening :)

oh i know. we're reading the metamorphosis in class now. it's kind of crazy. if i didn't know anything about Kafka i'd have to wonder what happened in his life that made him so messed up.