Aliens? | Teen Ink


April 22, 2013
By Jacob Russell BRONZE, Plymouth, Michigan
Jacob Russell BRONZE, Plymouth, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I woke up and didn’t remember anything that had happened. I saw someone in the distance and he/she looked friendly so I walked up to him and he said that I looked horrible. He took me into his house and cleaned me up and asked how I survived. I looked at him puzzled not knowing what he was talking about. He answered by telling me about the alien attack on earth and that they have taken over most of the world.

I still comprehending this the next morning and I couldn’t get over how crazy this sounds but I believed him because the whole block was ruined and destroyed by something. So after a few days of getting back to full strength I leave the safety of Bobs house and venture off to find the source of destruction.

I wonder down the street which seems like forever and finally come to a scary tower which is being surrounded by what seems to be airplanes at first glance but at second glance is what seems to be unknown aircraft. I was walking around the outside of the tower and I saw 3 guards guarding the entrance so I watch their movements for about five minutes and then made my move I threw a rock five feet to the right of one of the guardians and he walked toward it called the others to it and they were very confused. They watched it for about 2 minutes and I snuck in right behind them. When I first walked in there I saw nothing but darkness and more darkness so I was very scared. I walked about 30 feet then a light in the darkness appeared about 10 feet away from me. A long tall figure appeared and had something in its hands but I couldn’t tell what he/it had so I followed him down the hall and after 100 feet or so he turned around and I jumped behind a pillar and I turned the corner and he was standing right there.

He took me to another dark room and An alien looking figure came out of a room and scared the bejebers out of me he walked towards me with a shock stick looking object that zapped me when it touched me. He performed a few tests on me before he put me in a little room with a jail like appearance. I was looking around trying to find a way out and I saw an air vent that was about one foot long. I unlatched the screws and jumped in I wiggled through it I went for a little then I fell through a hole right in the middle of an alien conference and they all gamed up on me then I started to run very fast and made it through to the back entrance I ran out I fear. I saw a big bang then I didn’t know what happened and then out of know where I woke up.

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