Breaking The System | Teen Ink

Breaking The System

February 23, 2013
By Gabster55 BRONZE, Harrisonville, Missouri
Gabster55 BRONZE, Harrisonville, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
All religion, my friend, is simply evolved out of fraud, fear, greed, imagination, and poetry

~Edgar Allen Poe

Breaking The System
A baby boy is born. As his bright blue eyes are just opening up to the world, he is being carried to his mother, with tears of joy in her eyes. As she cradles her newborn in her arms, she begins to look at her baby's wrist,and soon, her tears of joy turn into tears of despair.
He's turned around. It's time. I pull my hat down and walk in. I take a look around and see customers chatting amongst themselves, completely unaware of what I am about to do. I reach to a stack of muffins on the counter. I only shove three in my bag before the owner shouts "Hey!" Quickly, I bolt out of the door and down the street. Unfortunately, those rumors about cops eating donuts were true. I only get about a block before they tackle me, and I'm out cold. I wake up on a cold concrete floor hearing what sounds like metal clanking together. I clear my vision to find that I am in the juvenile detention center. This is so stupid, it's only muffins. My family isn't the richest in the neighborhood. Even accounting the fact that our only neighbors are squirrels, deer and rabbits. We live in the woods because our house was foreclosed on and we can't afford anything smaller than a one bedroom, half bath.
It's a requirement to do our five hours a day community service. My first job was to pick up trash. As I walk out to the yard, I find other convicts from the facility next to ours already sprawled out amongst the lawn. I start on an area down the hillside. I'm almost finished in my area when I see more trash appearing. I look over and find this jerk throwing his trash over to my area.
"Watch it!"
"Oh, I'm terribly sorry. Would you like me to pick that up for you princess?"
"No. But I'd like for you to go away!"
"Great! We have something in common! Joy."

After my first job was over, I went straight to another. They tell me I have kitchen duty with another convict with the last name James. I'm not much of a people person, but I suck it up and they walk me to the kitchen. Me, being as clumsy as I am, tripped over the broom falling to the ground.
"Nice going." As I look up I see the jerk trash man. I sigh and roll my eyes, knowing I have to suck it up and get to work. About an hour later, we finish mixing and preparing the food to put in the oven and have half an hour to spare. I sit down and he sits next to me.
"So what are you in for?" he asks.
"I got caught stealing some food."
"That's it?" he laughs a bit.
"Why, what did you do Mr. Criminal?"
"If you must know, I robbed a bank."
"Really? How long till you got caught?"
"Two weeks."
Now I laugh. "So your not that much of a criminal?"
"Says the one who got caught stealing food."
"Sorry I'm not rich."
"Well you must have a low number than huh?"
I'm quite for a while until I finally say, "12/21/35"
"At least that's higher than my number. 5/15/32"
Everyone is born with a deadline. Just as the name implies, it is the moment when you are supposed to be sacrificed. People are sacrificed every so often to keep the universe in tact. If we weren't to do this, then there would be severe consequences. Some think the earth would drop out of the galaxy and fall for eternity. Others think there would be no more gravity. No one knows what will happen exactly, but there is scientific proof. No matter how hard you try to get away from your number, there is no way. People have gone to various lengths to get rid of their numbers like surgically removing it form their wrist, running away, or even trying to write another number. But no one has gotten away with it.
"I wish there was a way I could go back in time and enjoy life a little more."
"You know, I don't really know you, but it seems like I could trust you."
"Trust me with what?"
"I figured out how to crack the system."
I didn't believe a word he said. "Wow! Really? Interesting."
"Ha ha. Laugh all you want but for your information, I actually did crack the system. I found a way, it's possible." He whispered this as if it were a big secret that he didn't want anyone else to find out.
"Are you kidding? There is no way. No one has ever found a way and no one will because it doesn't exist."
"No it does exist and I've found it!" He pulls out what looks like piece of paper with a bunch of symbols and writing on it.
"My gosh, you did find a way. But if there was a way, then how come no one else has found out yet?"
"I think someone did. I think they were trying to keep it from the public."
"Who do you think found it?"
"I think it was the government."
"You think the government found a way to stop the sacrificing and never told anyone? Why?"
"Think about it. Have you ever heard of any government officials being sacrificed?"
"Well no but-"
"And have you heard about how the world is over populated?"
"Well, maybe this was their way of keeping the earth in balance while also keeping the universe in balance."
"Wow. I never would of thought the government would do this."
"So, now that you know my theory, will you help me? I can't do it alone."
I knew it was crazy. That a poor, nobody like myself could help change the world. For some reason, I felt like I had nothing left to lose.
And just like that, I knew that this was serious, and there was no going back. We were going to break the system.

The author's comments:
I put a lot of hard work into this piece and tried to express a futuristic belief that has a twist and has a unique solution to a present day crisis.

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