STRANGE PLANETS ....... | Teen Ink


December 30, 2012
By Alexi158 SILVER, London, Other
Alexi158 SILVER, London, Other
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” MM

Strange plants
The planet without day or night
RING... RING... RING! I wake to the sound of alarms in our dormitory. It was time for work. Ever since the world was plunged into darkness the governments united, creating dormitories for people to live and to prevent panic stricken mobs of people running around cities. Most of the girls with me hate the sound of the alarm, it means out of bed and time for breakfast. We get dressed in our uniforms and make our way into the main hall. I swear I caught a glimpse of a light bulb flicker; rumour is the governments are running out of power and soon even our dormitories won’t be safe enough.
As I sit down to eat breakfast I 0o0stare at my bowl, the same Government Issue dried food, with the perfect amount of all nutrients to get you through the day. I guess I should consider myself lucky, but I still remember the old days where plants used to grow and we would feast on them.
After breakfast I pick up my list of chores. I skimmed across my sheet, washing, sorting out the warden’s papers and delivering a message. Today was my lucky day, delivering a message meant going outside, a chance to taste freedom, even if it were for a minute or two. My excitement overtook me and I quickly finished my chores.
You had to be a senior to be allowed to go outside and honestly I felt honoured. I wore my regulation government jacket and was given a watch to keep time. Rumour has it that the watch is a tracking device to stop you from going too far. I wasn’t the type to pull a stunt like that, we all know what happens. Death in the outside world is slow and painful. Once your supplies run out you starve to death but what gets you first is the endless darkness, it drives you to the point of insanity where you welcome death with open arms.
As I stepped outside the treacherous winds clasped me in its deadly hold, and my skin, so fragile from being inside was not used to this. I remembered my training, always follow the path... always follow the path, drilled into our heads form a young age. My only source of light was a small candle and I edged on cautiously. When I reached the station I handed over my message and walked back.
When I returned it was time for dinner. Speaking of which the high officials are thinking of whether to stop the use of time completely, an idea form the light ages they say. I grimace at the sight of dinner, porridge like gruel which tasted so bland.
After dinner I heard the ringing of the bell. Ever since it’s dark we do not know when to hibernate. The bell signals and we get into our pods, another day is over.

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