Paranoia | Teen Ink


March 8, 2024
By lizzie_arrowhead PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
lizzie_arrowhead PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Paranoia was once a very social and popular goddess living in Mount Olympus. She was a goddess everyone knew and who everyone wanted to befriend. Her closest friend was Aphrodite, the daughter of Zeus. They were both very beautiful and loved by the people of Mount Olympus. Paranoia loved being the center of attention. And she always was. People loved her. They loved her attitude, her ideas, and her beauty. She loved attending all sorts of social events, but she had to be the center of attention. 

To others, Paranoia seemed like the perfect goddess and they looked up to her. But deep inside, Paranoia had an intense feeling of jealousy. Anytime the attention was not on her, she would become furious and stare. Often, those who she was staring at turned to look at her, but she’d immediately look away. No one else knew about her jealousy, except Aphrodite. Aphrodite was often around Paranoia when she would become jealous. She saw how Paranoia acted. Aphrodite became concerned about her friend and asked her if she was alright. Each time Aphrodite would ask Paranoia that question, she would whip her head around so fast, a gust of wind would blow, and she said, “Yes my dear friend, I am perfect,” with a smile. Aphrodite knew this was not the case. Even so, she continued to ignore her friend’s problem.

Parties had come and gone, Paranoia often being the center of attention. The time had come for Aphrodite’s birthday party. She sent out letters to all her fellow gods and goddesses to come celebrate. Paranoia, of course, chose to attend the party. Paranoia wanted to gain more and more attention from others. The party date finally arrived and Paranoia and Aphrodite arrived at the venue early. As each guest arrived, they had their utmost attention on Aphrodite. More and more guests arrived, focused on Aphrodite. With each guest, Paranoia became more and more jealous. She hated that the attention wasn’t on her. The last few guests arrived and still, no one acknowledged Paranoia how she had wanted. 

Later on, the birthday dinner had begun. Paranoia was still fuming with jealousy as she sat next to Aphrodite. When Aphrodite would turn away, Paranoia would stare at her, furiously. Each time, Paranoia looked away when Aphrodite turned to her. But one time, Paranoia failed to do so. Aphrodite caught her staring so evilly and finally confronted her. Paranoia blew up. She started to scream at Aphrodite, stating that she was an attention hog and that she didn’t deserve anything. Aphrodite’s father, Zeus, was sitting a few tables down and heard the commotion. Appalled by Paranoia’s behavior, Zeus took action, “Paranoia, this behavior is not acceptable in the city of the gods. You shall be banished.” Paranoia was shocked by the news and fell to her feet. “You will be sent to the mortal world, where you will not be seen, but your presence will be known. The attention will be on everyone but you, Paranoia.” Zeus cast his lightning bolt and Paranoia became invisible, and she was thrown off Mount Olympus and into the mortal world.

Paranoia’s eyes fluttered open, as she woke up in the middle of a cold forest. She looked down and realized that she could see herself. Hopeful, she ran out towards the nearest light. As she passed through the cracked branches, she finally found a small village. She walked towards the nearest house, where she could see light from the window. When Paranoia reached the door, she knocked, but no sound could be heard. Confused, she tried again. Still no sound. On the third try, she fell straight through the door. Still shocked by what happened, she tried to search for a person in the house, calling out, “Is anyone there? Please, is anyone home?” No one answered. Then, she noticed a crack of light shining underneath the door. She figured that knocking wouldn’t work, so she attempted to phase through it. It worked. 

There sat at a desk writing, was a little girl. She was focused, and it seemed like she couldn’t even see Paranoia. Paranoia tried to talk to her, but the little girl did not respond. But, when Paranoia started to get frustrated, the girl suddenly started to look around the room. See seemed on edge and looked everywhere, even straight through Paranoia. Paranoia was confused and became increasingly angry. She started to stare at the girl. The girl shook, as if she was cold. Paranoia’s jealous glare sent shivers down her spine. Then, the little girl looked in Paranoia’s direction. But only for a moment. Then, she took a deep breath and went back to work. Paranoia was so aggravated, but she remembered what Zeus told her. You will be sent to the mortal world, where you will not be seen, but your presence will be known. As soon as she remembered this, she fell to her knees, knowing what curse was put upon her. 

No one will ever see Paranoia again, yet they will feel her presence when they are alone. This is how the feeling of paranoia began.

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