Iron gate | Teen Ink

Iron gate

September 8, 2023
By MonkeyJuice06 BRONZE, Pasadena, Tx, Texas
MonkeyJuice06 BRONZE, Pasadena, Tx, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It had been fifteen days since the elves of fair oak began their siege on ponco’s hill, all though the elves siege machines were mighty indeed but the iron gate held, but how long would the iron gate last?.

The iron gate was a large gate it would dwarf even the largest of dragons, it was very heavy, heavier than three hundred elephants some would say, it was very round at the top but very straight the rest of the way down, it was rather shiny only the sun could match its glow, and it was decorated with the visages of the old kings.

The battle seemed hopeless the elves would keep erecting ladders on the city walls no matter how many times the rats pushed down the ladders, no matter how many barrels and rocks and oil pots they threw at them, they would just keep erecting more ladders they used a battering ram that resembled the head of a goat to try and break the iron gate but the iron gate stood strong for now.

The rat were running out of food but they could not leave to get more food for the elves were at their front door so the peasants, the nobles, the royals, the miners and a few warriors went to the very back of the city and began looking around, perhaps there was a secret back door they hadn't known about so they searched under every rug but nothing not even a hole, they glided their hands against the city walls perhaps one of the stones were a disguised button but alas they were all real.

They began to panic they would surely starve or be killed by the elves so the miners came up with a plan they would mine through the wall and create a hole to escape through however the king remind them that the only way out was past the elves they would surely notice all of them so the miners came up with a new plan they would make a small hole and send their smallest rat through it surely that rat would be too small to be noticed.

So they looked every peasant and every noble to find the smallest rat when they chose henry, henry is a small rat no larger than a human child his fur is black as a void and his nose a flowery pink, the miners made a hole small enough  for henry to fit through the king had white fur and a sickly red nose he wore purple robes lined with gold patterns, he put his hand on henry’s shoulder and told him “head east to the coast ask the rats of the coast for their help, tell them we will grant them gold and salt for their help tell them to bring their mightiest warriors now hurry we are depending on you” then henry quickly went on his way he squeezed through the hole created by the miners and walked quickly through the cave till he came to the entrance at which point he began crawling to avoid being spotted by the elves, he crawled behind rocks silently till he reached the entrance to the cave he continued to crawl till he was out of view of the elves at which point he got up and ran as fast as he can throught the field outside the cave heading east.

He had been running for hours through the empty yellow field. He became tired and the sun was beginning to fall asleep, so Henry decided to make camp and rest for the night, however it only now occurred to him that he forgot to pack supplies, Henry was panicking. What would he do? What would he eat? All questions that his brain was yelling at him so he took a deep breath and closed his eyes and when he became calm again he decided to just sleep on the ground, so he lay on his side as he drifted off to sleep.

The next morning as soon as he awoke he continued his journey eastward the walk through the empty field was long and uneventful but he came to the forest of fair oak he knew this wouldn't be as easy to get through as the empty field for it was the home of the enemy, but he had to get through it was the only way too the coast, so he crept silently behind bushes and mighty trees that stared down at him.

 so far there seemed to be nothing to worry about until he heard the sound of metal clanging so he climbed into a tree to hide as the sound grew near, he took a quick look and saw it was some patrolling elf warriors he knew he couldn't out run them or overpower them so he would have to wait for them to pass, thankfully they didn't see him otherwise he would be in big trouble.

After they had passed he descended from the tree and went on his way silently creeping through the forest but his stomach was complaining about hunger so he decided he would look for berries to eat, but he did not find any he didn't want to stray too far from the trail so he decided to endure for now. 

Meanwhile the iron gate was looking like it wouldn't last much longer. It was beginning to open so the peasants and nobles and royals were told to lock themselves in the palace, some soldiers were sent down to delay the elves to buy some more time.

Henry was surprised by the lack of elves in the forest but he just decided they were probably all trying to siege bonco’s hill, he continued to creep till he saw a light it was the light of the cost when he heard the patrol from earlier come back around he decided to risk it and ran the patrol noticed him and gave chase they were quickly gaining on him henry closed his eyes as they got closer but then he felt the shining rays of the sun on his face he had made it, the elves stopped their chase for he was on the coast rat’s territory.

Henry ran off to find the rats of the coast, when he did he asked to see their leader when he was asked why he said that the rats of poco’s hill needed their help so they let him see the chief, henry went to the chief he told him that they needed his best warriors and if he complied he would be given gold and salt by the king the, chief agreed to this offer and sent his best warriors to fight, henry led them through the forest and the field and to the hill when they got there the iron gate had fallen and the warriors of poncho’s hill were fighting the beast they could but they wouldn't last long so the rats of the coast charged forth, the elves were surprised they hadn't expected an attack from behind, the elves armor was broken by the coast rat’s clubs and their swords were crushed by the coast rat’s axes the elves could not win so they retreated back to fair oak.

The day was won, the city was saved, Henry was rewarded handsomely for his efforts and the king upheld his promise to the rats of the coast and he gave them salt and gold.

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School project

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