The Thing | Teen Ink

The Thing

September 7, 2023
By gc12345 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
gc12345 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On a rainy stormy night, while the cows moo and the smell of tung in the air. There was a small tiny house with a family of four living there, there was a big BOOM in the field grass, there was an unordinary metal ship deeply crashed in the wet dirt. As the door opened upon the unusual ship a green slimy hand awoke coming out. While later that night the family is having dinner the husband hears a strange noise in the back so the farmer's son grabs his shiny bright yellow raincoat with his flightlight and walks through the front door. Then he hears a big BOOM coming from the shed so as he gets closer to the shed the noise gets louder louder and louder as he opens the dark cold shed there's nobody there all he sees his tool and knife hanging from the celling as his heart rate starts beating super fast  he can finally release his anxiety so he turns back after he hears a loud call from his father saying “SAM….SAM…. SAM''. He  walks back and he starts to feel a quit breath hovering over his neck then he turns back quick with his bright flashlight as the light flashes on the green creature with bright yellow teeth as sam stood there with his body shook with fear the creature takes a big chunk of his leg ripping it apart Sam scream for his dad as loud as he can with tears in his eyes. The dad hears his name being screamed too at the shed the dad runs to the front of the shed he sees his son laying there bleeding to death saying “who did this to you ,tell me” as his son tries to tell him he couldn't he already took his last breath and dies in his father's arms. The dad starts crying with his sons body in his arms he sees a tall creature about 7 foot eating something as he gets closer to the thing he sees his eating what it looks to be his sons leg as the farmer sees this he stood there watching one with blooding coming out of his eyes so adulterated because he is so traumatized he runs straight to the house. He locks every door in the house and barricades as the thing tries to break in but he cant so he starts to go through the roof and he gets in and the family goes into the basement and hides. There trying to be quite as much as they can but the little the girl keeps crying because she is scared so the thing hears them down in the basement as the thing keeps banging on the door about to get in the husband gets a bat and the wife gets a knife and the daughter in the back hugging her stuff bunny as tight as she can and boom the door busted open and the thing is just standing in front of the door way as everyone is watching him in terror as the lights flicker.     As the thing takes a step forward the light bulbs break and turn off and everyone is quite and no one is moving then the little girl scream very loud as if the thing took her so then they follow it into the living room while the sun is up they can finally see the creature clearly so as the thing has the daughter in the hands and she's crying the husband tries to tell the thing to let her go and the wife gets the knife throws it right in its eye and drops the little girl. The husband swings at the creature and beating him to death apocryphal but the thing gets up and picks up the husband and throws him across the room and the wife ran straight to the thing with the knife in her hand about to stab it but the creature slaps her and knocks her out as the husband gets up the creature starts throwing him across the room as he keeps getting back up with him cover in blood he tells the thing his not giving up. As the creature runs full speed the little girl stabs him right in the back of the head as the thing falls to the ground the husband wakes up his wife and everyone ran to the car and as the driving off towards the sun there finally free from the thing they escape and eight minutes later the creature's eyes open.

The author's comments:

I'm a junior is Pasadena memorial 

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