The Forever Glowing Moon | Teen Ink

The Forever Glowing Moon

September 7, 2023
By Eliazbet BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
Eliazbet BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

        It was the year 5021 when life on Earth began dying due to man’s ignorance, there was no further hope for its salvation. Thus, scientists became obsessed with the moon and began performing all sorts of experiments. NASA installed a huge facility in the Hermite crater, which we extended its labs to around 1,220 ft deep. Its purpose was to study the environment of the moon, gravity, temperature, and its properties. Once human life could fully conquer the Moon, it was believed to go to Mars and create a living planet. Since the Moon is the closest place to simulate such a thing, mankind could plan their new era.

         In one of the many attempts to study the moon’s surface, humans began extracting a weird substance out of the Plato crater which had been filled with lava for billions of years. It was dark green, gloomy, and with an extraordinarily irritating odor. As the science team reached one-fourth of the crater, they reached a hard crusty surface; thus, this abstracted NASA and its whole team. Nobody was aware of what was happening; and as fast as a thunder, a monster came out of the crater. It was as big as a kraken, and came down running, crushing down all signs of technology. But nobody was sure of what had caused the creature to only attack technology and not humans, although the destruction performed by the creature affected humans, it wasn’t targeting them. It didn’t take long for it to get to the main base, the Hermite crater. And before anyone noticed, the main plant in the facility exploded. This caused a large chain of explosive reactions.
         Within a couple of seconds, anything near the plant, whether surface or underground, began vaporizing due to the incredibly hot chemicals being released. Causing the moon to explode.
         The government had no time to think about what to do, and although the impact was strong, it was not as strong as everyone expected it to be. Satellites then lost signal and had high noise frequencies, and moon rocks kept falling from the sky. NASA predicted that due to the explosion’s mass and force, a ring would be created within two days, but what would humans do without their moon? Most of the new information stored has been lost in the incident, but everyone is questioning themselves “What exactly caused the incident? What caught the creature’s attention to destroying everything on its path? What had the facilities been hiding this whole time? How will this affect everyday life?” As for now, all human life can do is use the highest output of technology to bear with their actions.
         One of the highest administrators of the U.S. government advised that the moon should be highly prohibited from visiting until the situation lessens, which most agreed upon. Most, but not all, as one big space company named SpaceX had the idea to recruit members to do a check-up on the moon’s atmosphere. Everyone thought of it as foolish, but the CEO, Steve Benson, saw it as an opportunity to innovate new technologies. He proceeded to send a few spaceships to go near the moon and study the glowing green atmosphere created after the incident. Weirdly enough, spaceships would go missing with no signal of location or disconnection. Plus now that Earth has a ring of moon rocks, companies conclude that space exploration is far more dangerous and would need a lot more resources to project.

         Seeing as SpaceX’s plan was incredibly unsuccessful, conspiracies began blooming all around the world. A group of people decided to turn against NASA and sue them for their actions, others decided to repair the damage done by the meteorites, and others decided to question SpaceX as they were trying to profit from the situation. Rumors spread around the world, and it is said that a monster roams around the Moon in the image of a chimera as NASA tries to be discreet about their secrets. One thing for sure is that nobody is certain of what lives out there in the vastness of space.
         As decades pass by, scientists keep an eye on the moon and notice it’s developing a living environment or so they say. Moreover, leaving it for further investigation in the next hundred years.

The author's comments:

I wanted to write this story because global warming and the destruction of nature concern me a lot, and I want to get people to recognize the current main events around our world. 

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