Bunnbies | Teen Ink


September 7, 2023
By Juan2023 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
Juan2023 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It all started as a normal day at school for David. He woke up from his phone alarm, making him wince in agony as it signaled his time was up. He then got up from bed and did what anybody would do in the morning, brush his teeth, put on his clothes and get ready for school. He then went downstairs for some breakfast cereal, and as he was eating his dad was watching television. Something about a prehistoric virus being discovered, scientists said they will be running tests on some bunnies to see its effects on mammals. That’s all he could hear before he heard the bus honk from outside. He rushed to tell his dad goodbye and left running towards the bus. He entered the bus and saw his friend Travis waving him over. He walked over and sat down next to Travis, who immediately asked if he had seen the new movie “Attack of the Zombies”. He replied no and explained how he couldn’t because his dad didn't want him watching any pg-13 movies. David only hoped once he turned 13 he would be able to watch them. The conversation ended when they finally arrived at school and they entered.

           David and Travis went their separate ways because they only had lunch together. Class after class, he watched time go by until the last minute. It was finally time for lunch and he was excited to finally reunite with Travis. He got his lunch and Travis waved him over to his table. They sat and continued their conversation from earlier. Then all of a sudden, they hear a few kids screaming and run past their table.

Then, a sudden rush of kids began running past their table. David and Travis couldn’t see what was happening. David turned around towards Travis, but he was long gone. David turned forward and that's when he saw them, Multiple rotting, fleshy hairballs moving towards him. He then realized as they got closer that they were bunnies, but these didn’t look normal at all. He ran screaming, the bunnies behind him making high pitched grunts and groans. Kids were panicking all over the place, screaming, running and shoving. He ran towards the bathroom and locked himself inside and took out his phone. He began calling the police, hoping they would answer quickly. Soon they picked up and he immediately explained the situation to the responder. All he got in response were weird gushy sounds and a squeaky grunt. He realized that the situation had already spread throughout the town. He then heard a knock on the door, hoping it was Travis or a teacher he opened it. It was a teacher, though this one had rotting flesh and had buck teeth and bunny ears.

           He screamed and immediately shut the door panicking on what to do. He found a bar of soap and opened the door. He threw the soap at its eyes blinding it, and ran away hoping to find a way out. As he was running away, he thought of Travis and told himself he had to save him. So he ran, dodging and shoving the many zombies in his way. He found a broom along the way so now he had a weapon to defend himself. He finally got to the place he thought his friend would be. The janitor’s office was their safe spot so he opened it and didn’t  find anything. He looked towards the end of the hallway and saw someone waving him over. It was Travis, but he had made it too late. His childhood friend was gone, no longer his old self. David ran away, not being able to bear the sight of his friend. All he wanted to do now was run and escape but he couldn’t, due to all exits being mobbed by zombie bunnies. He was soon surrounded by them and could not escape. He threw a trash can in front of him, then all of a sudden they stopped moving towards him.

   David looked down and realized the one thing these zombies love more than living flesh, was rotting veggies. He thanked the non-veggie eaters and escaped while they were distracted. A helicopter flew overhead the school, it was a news helicopter. He screamed for help and the news reporter saw him and threw a ladder. He climbed up to safety and explained what he had just learned, He was then taken to a refugee to where his dad gladly greeted him. Though sadly, he had to explain to Travis’s parents what happened to him.

               A few months later, everything was back to normal again. The city was rebuilt, school was back in session and the bunnies had their own land. They lived in a compost wasteland where they were able to eat as much as they liked. David woke up and got ready for school, ate his breakfast and said goodbye to his dad. The bus waited outside, and he ran towards it excited to finally reunite with a friend. Travis waved him over towards his seat and he sat. His friend Travis was cured but the side effects were he wasn’t going to remember that day. It doesn’t matter, it's best kept that way.

The author's comments:

This story is based off a dream I had when I was 7 that is why it is so random.

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