Dear Professor | Teen Ink

Dear Professor

July 8, 2023
By Middleclicker BRONZE, Shenzhen, Other
Middleclicker BRONZE, Shenzhen, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It’s hard to turn the page when you know someone won’t be in the next chapter, but the story must go on."

Dear Professor,

I don't know when or where this letter should be opened, I don't know if you remember me, your former student, either, but professor, I tell you, we are living in a lie.

I ask you to think, what is the world we live in? Outside the "impassible boundaries," outside the residence of the border guards, out to the areas of danger which apparently no mortal has set foot on--what lies there? I hope you weren't so ignorant as to think we were born here out of thin air. The schools--why do their history lessons start from the 40th century? What has happened in those 40 centuries, and the centuries before--have we no account of their existence, not even a sliver of evidence of human activity before?

I should tell you, professor, that there was a world before the the air outside was apparently poisoned, and before the great dome was put upon us--to shroud us in ignorance. Beyond the boundaries of our existence lies a vast universe filled with wonders and mysteries waiting to be discovered. I speak of a time when humanity roamed freely among the stars, when we were not confined to this small corner of existence. The history of our species stretches far beyond what the dome's fabricated stories would have us believe. Ignorance is bliss, that cannot be further from the truth, for doom awaits all of us--in perhaps 10 years, 100 years, or a million, I do not know; but if we do not break out, our dwindling supplies will not last long.

I need your help. I know you are employed in the National Dome Protectional Committee. You developed the technology to enhance the structural integrity of the dome--active reinforcement beams, from my recall. You have good knowledge, professor, yet, I suspect you too are in the dark, because you still busy yourself with researching a cure for combating the poison. Rid yourselves of that belief! If you agree to help, I shall send more instructions on our plan.

For all of humanity, I beg, professor, you consider this carefully.

Eli Curtix


Dear Eli Curtix,

I must admit that your letter has left me both intrigued and concerned; the claims you make about the existence of a hidden world beyond the confines of our current reality are quite extraordinary.

However, I must clarify that I am not directly involved with the National Dome Protectional Committee as you mentioned in your letter, nor have I developed any technology related to enhancing the structural integrity of the dome. I am merely there to give authenticity to their dome proposals--I do not know, nor understand, their internal systems.

However, as I have said, you pose a truly remarkable theory. The lack of evidence though, has made me question its authenticity. For one, how do you know of the world outside the dome? You would be dead if you should have stepped out, or more likely, shot right after entering the guard's vicinity. Though you write me this letter explaining your findings.

Of course, I am open to discussing this topic more.

Professor Alfred


Dear Professor Alfred,

I understand your skepticism regarding the existence of a world beyond the dome, as the official narrative propagated within the boundaries of our current reality does not acknowledge its existence. However, I assure you that my knowledge is not based on hearsay or speculation.

To answer your question about how I know of the world outside the dome, it is because I have dreamt it myself. I've dreamt about the outside world; the dreams were too vivid to be fake. The world had a blue sky, filled with lush looking vegetation and animals which have not yet had their natural instincts tamed by humans. Though the dreams always ended at a sleeping chamber down...somewhere, I cannot recall... I've been dreamt this exact dream not shy of a hundred times.

A few days ago, I tested my own blood, for I suspected they injected something in those sleep chambers, and I found Plunomium in it; the liquid makes us forget--that is why even the eldest of us know nothing about the outside world. Mine must have malfunctioned, and I'm not the only one. I've met a friend who has dreamt these dreams too: living life, then being forced into a sleep chamber by armed soldiers. Coincidence, I think not.

I propose, to lay out our hypothesis in full, that we switch to a more private communication method--something that the government cannot track. I suggest we meet face to face and continue this discussion.

Eli Curtix


Dear Eli Curtix,

I'm afraid a meeting in person would not work. It would be difficult to travel to your region, for the border is currently closed for visitors.

It is surprising that you brought up the dream, as I have had those myself. I am still not completely convinced, yet I agree to help with your cause. Please explain your plan to me, and I will see what I can do.

Professor Alfred


Dear Professor,

Thank you, professor. Before I proceed with the plan, I want to emphasize the importance of discretion, as any leak of information could jeopardize our efforts. I understand your concerns about meeting in person, so let us continue our conversation through encrypted emails.

Now, let me outline our plan. On the second floor of the committee library, go to the north-facing wall and count 29 books from the left. Pull out that one, and underneath the book, a key to the storage room will be revealed. A full trip to the storage room would be too dangerous for you to undertake. Hand the key to a cleaner wearing blue jeans and a white hat. His name is John Mckee, if you want to make sure.

That is all you have to do. For humanity's sake, professor, consider this your most important duty. Good luck.

Eli Curtix


Start of transmission

This is the professor. I believe one of our experiment candidates have escaped the effect of the drug. Please arrange an additional shot quickly, I worry more trouble may be caused.

End of transmission

The author's comments:

I was inspired by one of Exurb1a's video called "Dear Nia." The video was about a Nia from another universe talking to Soren--who has a deceased Nia in his universe. I was especially intrigued by the letter format, and so decided to experiment with it, ultimately creating this piece. The moral or meaning is, of course, open to interpretation; one of my friends did mention to me the Truman Show after reading this. Therefore, the moral may be of a similar fashion: we may be living in a lie without knowing it.

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