Ribbon | Teen Ink


July 4, 2023
By jwang3888 SILVER, Royersford, Pennsylvania
jwang3888 SILVER, Royersford, Pennsylvania
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Swoosh. A flashing image of piercing light shone through the boy’s emerald eyes, sucking him into pitch darkness.

“Come look brother! I have so many dolls, look!” Venus ever so slowly lifted his eyelids to peer at his surroundings. He arrived back at home, with his little sister gazing down at him with her almond, innocent eyes. “Brother, why won’t you play with me?” Venus shifted his thoughts back to his surroundings. Where was he? That wasn’t the priority though, what mattered was that his sister was safe by his side again. He tried picking up one of the dolls, only to realize, as soon as his finger touched the doll, it vanished, disappearing without a trace. At that moment, everything in his surroundings faded away. “No, please, don’t take my sister away from me!”, he cried, running towards an empty, endless white scene.

As he squinted his eyes around the white clearing, he discovered collections of his memories together with his sister, all swarming around him as though each memory was struggling through the crowd to be seen by him. He slowly picked up the nearest memory, and before long, he was lost in the past, with quiet tears rolling down his cheeks, unable to control himself. His sister had gone missing this past month, the only evidence found was a laced ribbon she always tied to her hair. He didn’t know what he would confront along the way, but using all the might he had left, he stood up and shouted, “I will find you, Summer, please wait for me!” His voice echoed through the white walls, like repetitive waves on the glistening summer sea. Everything faded away once again, and Venus returned to the pitch darkness.

Venus gradually opened his eyes, only to find himself laid on the cold, rigid surface of an eerie, distinct spacecraft. Suddenly, a figure stepped into the clearing. “Who are you, don’t come near me!”, Venus warned. The figure made a strange noise, similar to a chuckle, then flicked on the blinding lights. Venus gasped in awe. The figure was extremely tall, at least 7 ft, with all his features more exaggerated than the normal human being.The creature had a greenish-skin like exterior and looked as though it came straight out of a science-fiction novel. In that moment, I took into realization. I was gaping at a real-life alien. The creature cooed at me in a language I didn’t quite understand, so I just imagined the creature said something like, “Oh, don’t worry honey, we're almost there.” I remained silent for the rest of the ride, despite the unlimited questions that drifted around in my mind, waiting eagerly to be answered.

I peered out of the nearest window, unable to control my curiosity, only to spot the spacecraft racing towards a surreal city. The city was a futuristic version of Earth’s cities, where flying transportation and phenomenal tech was available. In my rush of hectic thoughts, it finally came to me that my sister had a good percentage that she’d been brought here like I was, captured on the exterior of my own house. In that case, I thought, hold on, brother’s coming very soon.

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