Confused | Teen Ink


January 19, 2023
By Anonymous

Confused - Ryan Isabella

There were at least fifty people in the room with me, I looked around and noticed the room was rocking. I closed my eyes for a second and when I opened them everyone was gone. The room began to spin, but not a full spin more like the room spun two feet then back one and then two forward again and so own.

 I headed toward the door which was the only thing not moving in the whole room. I slammed my body into it and it swung open, I stumbled into the hall and everything was still. This hall was massive, it looked like it went on in front of me for miles and the ceiling was not visible. I looked around but all the walls looked the same except for the way I came, where the door was closed again. I slowly turned the knob because I didn’t want to end up in the spinning room again. When the door was cracked and I could tell it was a different room so I went through. 

Nothing seemed off about it, just a regular hallway. I was walking down the hallway which seemed like a hotel because it had repeating doors and lights along the walls. I walked for hours with no end in sight. Finally the I saw a change in the setting, a small room with six elevators and a big stair case at the end. I went up the stairs about 15 stories before and each story I passed the elevator room I was just in. Finally I made it to the top and there was a glass wall. 

I could see outside for the first time since the room began to spin. In a blink I was on the other side of the glass standing at a railing looking over crashing waves, but the best part was the sky. Oranges and pinks and blues swirling around puffy clouds. It felt surreal and I stared at it for what I only assume was hours on end. I closed my eyes for a few seconds and when I opened them I was back in the room I started in and everyone was back. 

Then, I woke up…

The author's comments:

This is a short story we did in my creative writing class. It was a prompt to write about a dream we had with all the details we could remember. Part of the assignment was to submit to get published.

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