Milkjug | Teen Ink


September 12, 2022
By WizardLizard BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
WizardLizard BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Our story begins as all stories do, but with a question. This question was “I wonder where my real parents are.” This question came from Milkjug, a young jug who was celebrating his fifth day in the fridge whereas other milks last 2 days. The question was asked because of all of the parents around him. As an example, Choco, who was the child of Chocolattè and Mr. Milkton. Another example was Fresa, who was the child of Strawberry and Ms. Milkette. After seeing this, he realized that almost everyone in the fridge had parents, except for old man Wine and Tunea, the old Tuna fish sandwich that was put in the Fridge weeks ago. Now that he had this question, he turned to Old man Wine and asked him his genuine question of where his parents had gone. Old man Wine laughed at first, but started to tell Milkjug that he could find his parents in the nearby farm. All he had to do was cut through the forest and find the Beet-red Barn to find his parents. After this, Milkjug had started to prepare for his journey for the Barn when all of a sudden his friends Apple and Orange juice appeared. Apple and Orange were concerned about him, since he wasn’t at roll call that morning. Milkjug explained everything to them, and they wished him good luck on his trek across the Forest. Milkjug smiled, thanked them, and waved goodbye as he was about to leave the fridge.

After he had left the fridge, Milkjug found the dirt path to the barn and started to walk on it. Since this was his first time leaving the fridge, Milkjug knew that he had to get back to the fridge before he spoils. And although he was scared to go into the forest, Milkjug knew he had to if he wanted to know where his parents were. After a long walk, Milkjug stumbled upon a lone structure in the middle of the woods. He had never seen this place before, and it definitely was not in his homemade map, so he decided to explore it for a bit and rest. However, after a few minutes, he heard footsteps coming from the forest, so he hid in a bush and waited for the strange footsteps to stop. Once they did stop, the footsteps turned into feet, and they were in front of the bush Milkjug was hiding in. Then a hand gripped onto his handle and raised him from the bush as fast as a rod reeling in a fish. Once Milkjug was out of the bush, he saw where the strange footsteps were coming from. They came from a giant human, 7 feet tall, and wielding an axe. Then the human introduced himself, saying “ Hi! Nice to see the movement in the bushes wasn’t a raccoon or an alien, but a milkjug! So I must ask, what is your name, little jug?” Milkjug said to him, “ My name is Milkjug, and I am on my way to see the nearby farm to see my parents.” The Lumberjack was confused at first, mostly because Milk normally would not have parents, and this journey Milkjug was on was pointless, but he kept it to himself to preserve the story and not ruin the entire tale. After thinking to himself, Lumberjack Sam offered Milkjug to rest in his cabin since he noticed that nighttime was soon approaching. Milkjug accepted his offer, and slept in his minifridge for the night. And after the long and winding night, Milkjug said goodbye to his newly found friend and continued on his journey through the forest.

 Later that day, he found the farm he was looking for and approached it. The farm had 3 sectors, the vegetation sector with long and continuous stretches of wheat and other types of vegetation, the animal sector with a beet-red barn, horses, cows, chickens, and sheep. The last sector was the farmers house. The house was very large, with what seemed to be 5 rooms that housed all of the farmer’s equipment and his family. However, Milkjug didn’t see the farmer himself, and decided to go to the animal sector to ask where the farmer might be. Milkjug found two cows grazing in the fields and approached them. Milkjug introduced himself, asked where the farmer would be, and if they knew themselves where his parents were. The cows replied, saying that the farmer was currently tending to his wheat crops. And for the parent question, they said that they had no clue where his parents were. And with a little disappointment, he thanked the cows and headed toward the crops to find the farmer. 

Milkjug found the farmer tending to his crops, whistling a happy tune. Milkjug approached the farmer and asked him the question as to where his parents were. The farmer replied that Milkjug had no parents at all, and that he came from the cows that he just talked to. Milkjug was stunned to realize that he had no parents, and thanked the farmer for his time. With this new information, Milkjug realized that his journey had ended and he had finally gotten his answer from the source. Milkjug left the farm with a heavy heart and started heading back home through the forest. However, Milkjug realized that he had started to spoil, so he had to get back home before the sun set or else he might spoil and be thrown out of the fridge. So like a cheetah, he ran back through the forest before he would spoil. However, Milkjug was so fast that he got lost in the middle of the forest and was too tired to continue running. And with that he collapsed to the ground, but not before seeing a giant figure emerge from the nearby bushes. 

Milkjug woke up in a minifridge he felt he knew before, like he had just been there. Suddenly, when he opened up the door, he saw that Lumberjack Sam saw him collapse near his house and rescued him. When Milkjug asked why Sam had saved him, Sam replied that he was his friend and that the last thing he would want is to lose someone again. Milkjug was curious with this question, as he never heard that Sam had lost someone before. Sam explained that he never chose to live alone, and that he had a family once. But like all sad stories, he had lost them to a forest fire during a massive summer heat wave. Milkjug was saddened to hear this story. He had never thought that Sam would have lost people he had loved. However, Sam was curious about how Milkjug’s journey ended. Milkjug explained that he had no parents after all, and came from some cows he never knew about. Lumberjack Sam said that he was sorry to hear this news, and hugged Milkjug. Milkjug hugged him back. Milkjug decided to stay and talk to Lumberjack Sam about family and the events Milkjug just went through. And now that day had come, Milkjug agreed to visit every weekend and said goodbye to Sam, with newfound knowledge about family. 

Milkjug returned home and explained to his friends Apple and Orange Juice that he had no parents and that he was okay with being alone. Apple and Orange Juice were confused though, as they thought he was just going to get more groceries for the fridge. Milkjug laughed, yet felt like they had just ignored him for the past few days. Milkjug then went to sleep that night, and dreamt about what he would question next.


The author's comments:

This was made for no reason 

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