The Mirror | Teen Ink

The Mirror

June 5, 2022
By Anonymous

My skin absorbs the sun as I lie on the flowery field. Roses, Dahlias, Daisies, and more. All flowers my mother planted before she was gone, before she disappeared and left my sister and I with our father. Only God knows where she would be by now. It’s been years, yet I still keep up with her garden in hopes that she would come. My sister, Luna, has been there for me since the day I was born. She has taught me everything I know, from flight to magic. She taught me how to control my powers that I have which were passed down from me to my mother.

After everything, my sister now has little faith our magic, and left soon after she had claimed to see our mother. This world deserves more people like my sister. She had always been so kind to me and others, the elders would always praise her for her good deeds and reward her with astonishing gifts. But one thing important that I’ve had to face many times in my life is that people move on with their lives, things happen.

Still, that doesn’t stop me from reuniting with my sister and mother again. The three of us together is what I dreamed of my whole life. The society I live in now feels so incomplete without being with my sister and mother.

I live in the forest in a beautiful mansion my father and mother built together in hopes of being together with their two daughters forever. My father’s goal was to raise me as a princess, but unfortunately my father has not been there for me how I need him since my mother left. He’s been so heartbroken without her.


I meet up with my best friend Haylee, she also has gifts like I do, just as every other woman in our community does. I met her in my training courses and ever since then we have been assigned to work together.

“Hi Lilah” said Haylee with her sweet smile. “Are you ready for today?” I asked Haylee.

Today, Haylee and I are assigned to go through what was once a school for people like us, run by our ancestors. Our goal is to find remaining artifacts that hold our community’s magic. We arrive towards the gate of the creepy abandoned building. “There is a boundary spell here, only our kind can enter.” Said Haylee.

Haylee leads the way into the dark abandoned gigantic building. It looks as if it was burnt and blackened. Dead grass and weeds surround the area. “Let’s stick together so we don’t get lost” I said, holding Haylee’s hand. I’m nervous about what we may find or see.

“Grrr” goes a sound in the distance. Suddenly a huge brown bear comes chasing us. “Well that’s not scary at all.” Said Haylee. “run so I can use my powers to get rid of him” We run through the dark hallways until I’m prepared to use my powers. I focus and point my hands towards the creature and use my powers until hes gone. Suddenly the creature disappears. “That was definitely not put here by the witches.” I said.

We continue to walk through the halls until I hear something speaking to me. “Find me, find me, find me.” Says a mysterious voice in the distance. I follow the voice until I end up at a door. “Stay close, but im gonna go in alone.” I said to Haylee as she agrees. I grab the purple doorknob and enter the strange dark room. In the distance I see a glowing object. Walking towards it I realize I’ve seen it before. “Haylee! Get over here.” I yelled. Haylee comes running in. “I’ve seen this before, it was my mothers.” I said to her smiling. “This could be where she last was, she always had this necklace on her.” I said. The necklace has a big purple crystal and was surrounded by smaller diamonds along with the same flowers my mother kept in our garden. This must’ve been left by my mother for a reason.

“Wait a second… I’ve seen that before in one of the elders grimoires, it’s supposed to be some kind of key.” Haylee explained.

         Haylee put the necklace on me and I suddenly began to feel some other source of energy. “This was your mothers; you should keep it.” Said Haylee.

         Haylee walks towards the mirror. “Come look” she says.

I walk towards the long oval mirror and notice how beautiful the necklace is. I notice the same crystal is at the very top of the mirror. Suddenly the mirror turns into some kind of portal. Haylee and I start to back away because we have no idea what we’re getting ourselves into. “What is happening?” said Haylee. “I don’t know, but I want to find out. I have nothing to lose.” I said.

         “Someone must have gone in if the necklace was out, because I don’t think this key can go inside the portal.” Said Haylee.

“Haylee, you must hold it for me. I have to try, if my mother and sister are in there then they must need help getting out.” I said to Haylee. I hug her and say “If I’m not back in an hour, get the elders.”

Haylee’s standing there, with the necklace on her. She walks in front of the mirror and activates her powers. “Go, be safe.” she said to me.

Soon the portal opens again. Its full of gleaming purple and pink lights and sparkles like a galaxy full of stars. I enter into the portal and immediately arrive in the distant mysterious place. I see flowers every where, the one’s my mom would grow in her garden. Theres roses, dahlias, and daisies covering the whole field. From a distance I see two human figures. “Could it be them?” I thought to myself. “Hello!” I shouted to the two human figures. Soon they get closer and seem oddly familiar. “Luna, Mom?” I said while confused. “I knew I would find you guys here” I said giving them a big hug.

“Lilah… it’s been so long, you’ve grown so much. Your sister has told me all about you” said my mother with tears streaming down her face.

“So you’ve been stuck here all alone for all these years?” I asked my mother. Luna and my mother nodded while crying. “The only way to get back is to have someone on the other end keep the portal open, follow me.” I said to them

 I bring my mother and Luna back to the portal. “Hold my hands” I said as they both grabbed onto my hands. We walked together into the portal and we are suddenly back in the room with Haylee. I run and hug Haylee, we both had smiles of disbelief. Haylee falls into my arms because of all the energy she lost.

We’re carrying Haylee to our house so she can get her rest. Soon the elders will come and hear of the good news.

We arrive at home and mother notices her garden is still kept up with. My father is sitting on the couch and turns around to see my mother and Luna. He starts crying as he makes his way to both of them, hugging them as tight as possible. I run to the kitchen to make an energy recovery potion for Haylee.

She’s lying on the couch weak, but she’s strong. I hand Haylee the recovery potion and she sips it slowly. “Thank you, I couldn’t have found my family without you”. I said to her, she got up and hugged me. “I guess that recovery potion works well!” I said, Haylee and I laugh.

“Were back together as a family.” I say loudly to get my family’s attention. Everyone has a big bright smile.

Haylee walks up to my mom “This must belong to you.” She said calmly to my mother. My mother takes the necklace and hugs Haylee.

“Thank you so much for helping my daughter find us, we will make sure good things happen for you girls.” My mother said.

We’re all sitting together in the family living room, happy to be together again as a family.

The author's comments:

I do online school and I wrote this piece for my creative writing class. I enjoy writing and I have been very happy and confident with this piece so I wanted to get it published. When people read my short story I hope they feel an emotional connection with the main character, and enjoy the story overall. I also want people to realize the importance of family and having hope. 

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